✨Show Me Your Gardens!✨ ZONE 7 :: Zone 7 Garden Tours :: What Plants Work and What Don't!

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Welcome Gardeners! We are touring all over this week checking out gardeners from all zones. Today we are focusing on USDA zone 7 gardens. The gardeners have told us what works in their gardens, and what doesn’t! If you are a zone 7 gardener, watch to get some great advice from your fellow zone buddies! 🌿 Enjoy!

🌱Check out these creators from Zone 3:

🌱Check out these creators from Zone 4:

🌱 Check out these creators from Zone 5:

🌱 Check out these creators from Zone 6:

🌱 Check out these creators from Zone 7:

🌸 My Amazon Store!: Check out more of my favorite gardening supplies:

————M Y L I N K S————

————B R A N D S I W O R K W I T H————

———— A D D R E S S ————

Dig, Plant, Water, Repeat
417 Mace Blvd Ste J # 238
Davis, CA 95618

————F T C D I S C L A I M E R ————

This video is not sponsored, however some plants and equipment that I use in my garden have been provided to me to try out!

Amazon Associate: Some links are commissioned. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases! Thank you all so much for supporting me!

#showmeyourgardens, #zone7 #gardentour
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Thank you Janey for showing my garden! Sorry for the not always understandable flower names, but I have not found the English equivalent of every Hungarian fliwer name, so i thought it would be easier to identify it from tha latin names...there are so many names for one flower that sometimes we do not even know what is what😊 Greetings from Budapest!


Thank you, Janey, for featuring my garden!!! Thank you to your viewers for their kind comments. The rose on my arbor is one I purchased from The Antique Rose Emporium, in Texas, called OLD BLUSH. Definitely a favorite of mine! I enjoy watching your videos and am excited to follow your journey in your new location. ScapesNPaints


Nice to see a submission from a fellow Hungarian from Budapest. I was surprised that other people from my country are also watching this channel. Our zone 7 gives us a lot of flexibility, but most of us cannot grow plants which like high humidity.


YES THOSE ARE BLUEBONNETS!!! Those grow along the roads in Texas! It’s our state flower. ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I love that you’re featuring small spaces as well. I didn’t submit anything because I thought, my space is small and everything is in containers. However, you’ve shown such lovely little gardens right along with large ones. Lots of inspiration in every zone.


We tried something we heard about to help get rid of voles! Mix equal parts of baking soda and jiffy cornbread mix together in a container or ziplock bag. I put a couple tablespoons of this in every hole I see. It has lessened the problem for me. I hope it works for everyone else.


Love the fake window window boxes along her fence!


Thanks again for this series, I’m enjoying it very much! Janey, please do a series on patio/balcony/urban gardens. I bet there are little treasures out there and I could use the inspiration for my own tiny garden.


Thank you Janey for showing my garden today. What a surprise! With so many beautiful gardens out there how can you decide?! I don’t envy you. Gardens are as different as the people who plant them. So many varieties, styles and designs - it’s endless! However, the love of plants and the joy they bring to us connects us all in a very profound way. Each of us just trying to create a little beauty in a small corner of our world! Thank you again for compiling these videos and pictures and sharing them with us! 😊


Thank you for adding all these YouTube gardens for me to watch. Great job Janey!


GM Jayne thank you for showcasing my garden on your channel. You are so right about the inspiration from seeing other zones. I do push my choices of plants and shrubs that do well in other zone cause I love them. That is the beauty of gardening, planting what you love even if it is only for one season. When you all showed your new property all I could do was smile due to being excited about what your vision was going to evolve into. Thanks again 😊


All gorgeous loving all the gardens. I love how we all have different tastes. Diane I especially love your smoke bush in the tree form, Julia love the dianthuses and your cut flower garden. Lisa I am also North Carolina its beautiful.


I’m loving this series. Everyone has such amazing garden spaces! ❤


Finally...im in 7 an have been waiting for this one lol


Tagetes (ta~juh-teez) are marigolds 😊 I only know this from watching UK garden channels 😄


I have to comment again, the cut flower garden is amazing!!❤❤


I see books in the background of your video. Could you please do a video on your favorite gardening books? I would love to add some books to my Christmas wish list. I need to distract myself from our long North Dakota winter.


Thank you for posting alll the gardens. Thank you for linking the gardens YouTube, have a hard time finding channels like yours, Robbie’s and garden answer. ❤🙏


Absolutely beautiful gardens! Thank you to everyone who shared their gardens with us all!


Thank you Janey so much for putting these amazing videos together! I absolutely love different gardens and plant combinations that other gardeners provided 😀
