Webpacker is dead! Upgrading to Rails 7 with Importmaps, then ESBuild for SCSS and compiled JS!

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0:00 Overview
1:29 Rails upgrade process and strategy
3:54 Rails gem upgrade and rake app:update
7:07 Importmap feature install
11:34 F*** importmap-rails, let's use ESBuild
13:49 Installing ESBuild (jsbundling-rails) to replace Webpacker
16:09 Return of Sprockets (asset pipeline) for SCSS!
19:33 Switching Hotwire Turbo/Stimulus from Webpacker to ESBuild

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CO.AG - Escape the Apex

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Winston the bit about ESBuild is very helpful. Thanks for sharing.


I think this is the best video that I've seen on this topic. Of course by now it's probably a tiny bit out of date on the specifics, but the great thing is the coverage of the issues.


Thank you Winston for detailed explanation, and walk-trough the process of the upgrade.


Amazing video, very informational and thorough. Thank you for your video


Exactly what I was looking for - thanks! :)


Are you using this strategy for React apps? I have not seen any production apps that use React and Rails using import maps. I'm the maintainer of Shakapacker, the successor to Webpacker.


My God did you just answer the question I have been having for a while since they introduced importmaps. You mentioned in another comment that this video is out of date now... do you have an updated one?


Can you serve the JavaScript out of the asset pipeline by using sprockets-rails gem like you would do in older Rails? I have a couple of Rails 6 apps that I didn't use webpacker on due to a lot of custom JavaScript written by a developer before me. They run perfect and fast and I have NO issues with them at all. I just used the javascript_include_tags for the application.css and application.js files, removed the webpacker gem and it worked perfect.

I would like to upgrade a couple of these apps to Rails 7 BUT continue to use the regular old asset pipeline for both JavaScript and CSS. Is that still possible? These older apps also don't use Hotwire or Stimulus. I just don't see any advantage to converting them? Perhaps it is just me but this new version of Rails seems like kind of a mess when it comes to JavaScript. It is very confusing for a newer developer like myself.


Importmaps doesn't natively support react/angular integrations. Unless someone is using stimulus it doesn't make sense to use importmaps. Maybe in release 8 or 9 they might support it natively sonehow but it doesn't seem like that.
