Javascript ImportMaps - Bye Bye Build Tools??
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ImportMaps are an upcoming browser feature that allows us to import NPM packages using 'Bare Specifiers' much the same as if we were using a bundler like Webpack, Rollup, Parcel etc. This Nascent tech is currently hidden behind a flag in most browsers but looks like it will be enabled in the near future.
In this tutorial we look at creating a LitElement custom element in the browser, without using any Build Tools! We see how the import map allows us to specify the URL to a module that we are using and also the URL of any dependencies that the modules contains. This was we can develop without a build tool and at the same time use bare specifiers just as is normally the case.
Link to the spec:
In this tutorial we look at creating a LitElement custom element in the browser, without using any Build Tools! We see how the import map allows us to specify the URL to a module that we are using and also the URL of any dependencies that the modules contains. This was we can develop without a build tool and at the same time use bare specifiers just as is normally the case.
Link to the spec:
Javascript ImportMaps - Bye Bye Build Tools??
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