Join The Movement. Amnesty International mobilizes the humanity in everyone for human rights change.

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Amnesty International is a movement of more than 10 million people which mobilizes the humanity in everyone and campaigns for change so we can all enjoy our human rights. Our vision is of a world where those in power keep their promises, respect international law and are held to account. We are independent of any government, political ideology, economic interest or religion and are funded mainly by our membership and individual donations. We believe that acting in solidarity and compassion with people everywhere can change our societies for the better.

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Amnistía Internacional es un movimiento de más de 10 millones de personas que moviliza la humanidad en todos y hace campañas por el cambio para que todos podamos disfrutar de nuestros derechos humanos. Nuestra visión es la de un mundo en el que los que están en el poder cumplan sus promesas, respeten el derecho internacional y rindan cuentas. Somos independientes de cualquier gobierno, ideología política, interés económico o religión y somos financiados principalmente por nuestra membresía y donaciones individuales. Creemos que actuar en solidaridad y compasión con las personas de todo el mundo puede mejorar nuestras sociedades.


It often is that if we get bigger hearts we have bigger smarts. Hateful people are always mean and dumb. Love has a power like no other. Everyone wants to be happy and loved. No one wants to suffer.


Absolutely disapointed!!! Amnesty is victim of politics? Afraid of Russia? You don't dare to have your own opinion on Navalny? What is going on?


Why does the director of Amnesty intl make $910, 000 a year ? What a bunch of crooks


I believe in the movement and human rights service 🙏


As NGO association solidarite ASLVS and Rutaga Luphonso business group LTD working in Rwanda
We are together for developing our country Rwanda now


I am really proud of being the member of Ammensty international and together with the members, it is my commitment to involve my self in the mobilization of humanity for better human right change .


These are the Injustices that multichoice did to me

It was in 2004 when I heard an advert on kiss 100 with Caroline motuko that says if you think you can sing, it is time for you to rise to stardom, all one need to do is to head to multichoice
Multichoice has come with a competition that whoever wins it, would be given one million shilling before taken to the airport to board a plane to South Africa for a competition of all African artists.
So what every artist should do is to hed to multichoice, there's a certain lady there called Gladys who artist would get, the one that sings for her nicely and impressed her, is the one who she would declare winner.
I went on 17/3/2004 and when I reached there, i discovered artist were entering one after the other in the small hall that Gladys was.
When it reached my turn, I sung for her very nicely and she became so happy with me and so impressed, and after that she declared me the winner.
She asked me if at all I have a fone or a fone number, I replied no and she got out with me . After that they introduced mindspeak to me before giving me security that escorted me to where I was living.
The security had blue uniforms and were about ten.
When motuko saw this, she rushed to the whiteman who I think probably was the one who came with this competition, and who his name was Simon camerer and told him I'm the one who she has fallen in love with and the one who she would like to marry
When the white man heard this, he got so surprised and told her from the time I knew you, I've never known you too you are Interested in men, I've been admiring you for a long time now, this guy that you say you want, we are the one who have made you know by bringing this competition, and still we have the power to change it in your favor by giving you this a million shilling, and not only that, still we have the power to make you become queen, only if you will accept sex with me.
She accepted afterward, after her employer was informed about the plan, which the employer viewed as something which would be a pride to the company of kiss
They later gave her all that money as they first lie the woman was my wife before later agreeing and decide to change that they only new me as a mindspeak preacher and which I'm also the owner.
Something which totally destroyed my life because it brought me a very huge stigma, the reason why I'm living in extreme poverty up to date.
And because they never liked these secrets to be revealed, they opposed any attempt that could make me reveal these on radios
When I started revealing them in the internet, the white man decided to run to South Africa

Unfortunately the white man who was supposed to give me the documents is the one who appeared to be criminal, and each time I try to complain on their pages, instead of facing me, all they do is blocking me, I don't have much to say anyway nicetime


I am very happy and delighted to be a member of you. Thank you for any single action you are doing for humanity, I am proud to be a member of this community!!!


I am delighted to be a member of this noble organization: Amnesty International. Your mission of being a voice for the voiceless is salutary. Working to change lives and for humanity is my passion, vision and values.


Glad to be part of this wonderful movement for humanity.


Sorry, Amnesty. No more trust to you after russian protester Navalny story.


Your division of labour system is excellent, that is why AMNESTY Work fluently. All the best.


it's great we all of you have done more power


It 's real joy when hearing news of amnesty international, highlight and defened opinion's detainees and remind the world of their suffrrings .


I am a member of Amnesty international nevertheless i am suffering in human right case


am from uganda but happy to be part of this organisation


Amirhossein Rezapour, a student of Rasht Azad University in Iran, just like many others from the same university, from the intelligence police. He is asking for help through Iran International TV. Please inform Amnesty International about this. Today 10-30-2022 Thank you very much


We need to do something with China and tech companies!
