5 persons Allah WON’T FORGIVE -Mufti Menk

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0:00 Seeking Allah's forgiveness

1:22 The story of a boy who was addicted to pornography

2:07 Certain people Allah won't forgive

2:58 1st Pesrson : Al MUSHRIK (A person who associates partners with Allah)

4:47 2nd person : Al MUSHAHIN (A person who holds grudge and hate in his heart)

7:32 3rd person : Al MUSBILU THAWBAH (A person who lengthens his clothing)

9:56 4th person : Al QAD'I (A person who cuts their family)

13:19 5th person Al MUDMIN (A person who is addicted to intoxicants)

16:26 Conclusin

May Allah reward you.
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I’m a 20 years old girl, I lived with my father for 6 years and I went through a lot mentally and physically. My father is a Narcissist, I don’t hate him, in fact I love him but not as much as I did below 12 years old. I lived with my Mom for 13 years and 6 years with my Dad. And those 6 years was the worst years of my life, I hated it. Now I cut my Dad off. I don’t talk to him anymore because I don’t feel comfortable around him. I get a really bad feeling in my heart when I’m around him for example scared and my anxiety increases. I have no hate for him but I feel so stressed even when I hear his name. I don’t know what to do. He will never change until Allah changes his mind set, because Narcissistic people don’t change. Now I live by myself, I have a good communication with my mother and siblings but I don’t talk to my Dad. May Allah make my father a loving father. Inshallah


I've personally made the decision to convert to Islam as i luv the whole idea that Muslims help each other & especially the less fortunate & that's why they give money during Ramadan & it is a beautiful & simple religion, but haven't taken my Shahada yet


I actually did not believe in no islam but believed Allah (I was like, there must be a god that made us.) and I was casually swearing. Then out of nowhere while I was scrolling through shorts randomly a video showed up where it talked about Qur'an, Allah, repenting and so on. Then another one came, when I started to wanting to become a muslim and repenting my sins, my shorts were halfly full of these videos (so was my fyp). Yesterday I started reading Qur'an (translated version) and prayed my first Tahajjud (I had so many mistakes, hope it is accepted). I can say that I got more positive after I repented. I will fast on my first Ramadan this year. May Allah (SWT) give me power to do so and every brother and sister who will fast inshallah.


Say this 10x SubhanAllah 10x Alhumdulillah 10x Astaghfirullah 10x Lailaha ilallah 10x Allahu Akbar Good deeds for both of us :)


I am not Muslim but I love your message. I will listen to you.


2:58 al-Mushrik
4:48 Al Mushahin
7:36 Al Mushilu Thawbah
9:57 Al Qad’i
12:31 Al’Aq
13:23 Al-Mudmin

We are human, always seek forgiveness we are mo’meneen
We believe in Allah swt
We commit sin, never give up no matter what, keep coming back and keep trying! Alhamdulilah may Allah bless you all and bless the Ummah and we are all leading towards Sirat al-Mustaqim 🤲🏻
May Allah feed all who need food and provide water to all that are thirsty and ease the pain to all that are sick 🤲🏻
Allahu Akbar
La illaha illAllah


My husband hurts me so much.. He hurts me even physically. I am suffering a lot.. Sometimes, I feel as if I will suffocate to death while crying. Such pain i can't describe. Now, I'm staying at my father's house. My husband doesn’t care about me a bit. When will my suffering end? I'm feeling so much helpless.. I just hope my suffering ends. May Allah help me.. May Allah grant me ease..


This was so i did not used to pray my prayers and used to be lazy after sometime i began to feel guilty and started praying i started off with praying just two prayers and somehow ended up praying all 5 prayers alhamdulilah


I'm a 52 y.o. woman who has sinned most of my younger life. Im trying to be a good Muslim now. Oh Allah, please forgive me, guide me & keep me on the straight path & grant me Jannatul Firdous Ameen 🤲🏽❤️


Allah forgive me and strength me to leave bad habits yaa Allah😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Listening to this made me feel renewed and more understanding of my relationship with Allah


Here are some ways to earn good deeds after death:

1) Give a copy of the Qur'an to someone. Each time one reads from it, you gain

2) Donate a wheelchair to a hospital. Each time a sick person uses it you gain

3) Participate in building a masjid

4) place a water cooler in a public place

5) plant a tree. you gain whenever a person or an animal sits in it's shade or eats from it

6) And the easiest of all, share this message with people


I'm a 15 years old teenager and I did a lot of sins like not listening to my parents and alot of different sins and the Shaitan's always make me do what I have sinned before plss give me some requests to avoid doing sins again cause I'm already tired of making my parents being stressed about me and insha'Allah may Allah forgive me about my sins insha'Allah


am a christian but i learn alot with this teachings and i love it alot may God grant us forgiveness, amen.


A person said "ALLAHU'AKBAR" later he said "SUBHANALLAH" and after that he said "Alhamdulillah'' he again said "Allahummaghfirli" he also said "la ilaha illa anta subhanaka inni kuntu minaz zalimin" in this he earned many many good deeds and that person is you 💝

Edit: SubhanAllah, I did not expect this many people to read it. Alhamdulillah, I'm glad you all earned some good deeds. JazaakAllah for the replies, may Allah bless you all ❤! Feel free to copy/paste for your own use


Say this
10x SubhanAllah
10x Alhamdulillah
10x Astaghfirullah
10x Lailaha ilallah
10x Allah Akbar


Am a Christian but am learning a lot Marsha Allah


Im 26, born christian, wished to convert for a long time since teenage years but my mam disagreed and so i just put Islam aside, now im 26, in a muslim country and im drawn to it again, i really want this but my family, i don't know how theyll take it, please remember me in your prayers..


This video is a life saver. Ive been struggling with so much sins, speaking in a dodgy way, certain addiction, hatred towards someone, talking in a bad manner to my father. But in the end of all of these, i've always seek forgiveness from Allah. I don't want to be part of the groups that can't be forgiven


That was beautiful...Mufti Menk is uplifting and cleansing the hearts of many, by constantly reminding us of Quran and Sunnah. May Allah cleanse my heart and mind, and continue to strengthen and protect me from the evils of the Shaitan. Ameen
