How Can You Be Absolutely Certain That You’ve Been Born Again?

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How can you be absolutely certain that you've been born again? This question is one that we often hear, and it expresses some degree of concern over the authenticity of one's salvation. In today's Little Lesson we begin to take a look at three tests from 1 John that you can use to determine whether or not you have been born again. You can be sure about your salvation!

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This is my wife phone I need y'all to pray for me I do love the lord I trying so hard not to sin anymore I ask God to forgive me my name is Charles I love what your doing and I love all of you in Jesus name Amen.


I have repented confessed and accepted Jesus into my heart Amen ❤️❤️❤️ i Trust The Lord


Brother David, I don't know how I came across your videos. But I thank God I did, you are truly a man of God, I love the way you teach these lessons. I am going to recommend your channel to as many people as possible. May the Lord bless you abundantly!


Correct, a true Christian will not practice sin


*The only way to be 100% sure you are born again is for the Holy Spirit confirming it. Scripture is clear on this in Romans 8:16 where it says that the Holy Spirit will bear witness with our spirit that we have indeed been adopted. The Holy Spirit will fill you (Acts 4:31) and you will definitely feel his presence. To me, I was shaken to the core and distinctly heard God's voice. If you have not felt God's presence, you are not born again. God will never turn you away. In fact, if you have prayed with all sincerity, it's only a matter of time before God makes his presence known to you. God bless.*


Faith in Jesus + Repentance = Salvation ! You must be Born Again with Holy Spirit! 💗


I love these simple clear and direct messages. The love of God and his will for us shines through you


Really simple, through baptism! Born of water and the spirit. Happens at Baptism.


You are a blessing brother. And the Lord has also given you a warm smile! Haha. God bless you. 💕


Hello brother, and thank you for these videos. Since being born again in 2014 I have struggled from time to time with wondering if I'm actually saved. In my heart of hearts I have a desire to serve the Lord and honor Him with my life, but at the same time I find myself stumbling with things that I say or attitudes that I hold. I do believe that when I sin that I feel and hear the Holy Spirit reminding me that what I have said or thought or done isn't what honors God. So I'm pretty sure that I'm saved and born again, but sometimes I worry.


There are no "three tests" for assurance of salvation. Paul never preached any three tests. The problem with fruit inspection is that we will find, always and without exception, that we fall far short of the glory of God. Then we start to have doubts and allow Satan to take our joy away. We have assurance of salvation by the fact that God cannot lie, and that we have a deposit of the Holy Spirit in us as God's pledge that He will keep His word. Don't look to yourselves. You won't find any peace. Look to God, because He will keep His word.


Simple. Your life is transformed. You are changed immediately. It is a work of the Holy Spirit. You know yourself.


Thanks for the message. I found your channel l ast night, and now I can feel it's not just coincident.
It helps me to understand how to be righteous.
I want to leave my sinful way of life and turn to God.


Guys, just remember this, Peter sinned AFTER being saved and was still considered SAVED. Remember when Peter denied knowing Jesus three times? That's a pretty bad sin and he seen Jesus in person which makes it even worst. He did that sin after he was already and apostle of Jesus. In the end, Peter is still saved.

That should ease some of your doubts if you are doubting wither you are saved because you sinned after being a christian.

I'm not making excuses for sin because there is never excuse to sin.

My point is simply that obviously first John cannot possibly mean anytime someone sins they have no truth as in salvation ever because if that was the case then Peter wouldn't be saved as soon as he denied Jesus 3 times yet we all know Jesus still loved Peter because of what happened after

I think it's basically just saying that your overall life should be radically different, and yes when we sin it does make us a liar because there is never an excuse to sin and technically whenever we sin yes you could say we aren't practicing the truth in the middle of a sin

But that doesn't automatically mean we are lost or not saved anymore

If that was the case Peter would not be saved when he denied Jesus 3 times

That's my take on it

If I ever have a doubt I always just remember the sins that the apostles did and realize they were the closest to Jesus and still messed up

I look at their sin not to justify my own sin and not to want to sin but just to remember that IF you sin it doesn't mean you are lost person

That's my 2 cents


Thank you so much. I know these things take a lot of work and effort to produce. But know this, I and many are blessed by your teaching. Well done!


For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3:16 KJV, Jesus Christ is the only way..


Hi David! Born Again that He is around you in presence to see the Kingdom of God that you are learning or listening Him the better of Truth to become more knowledge such as 9 spiritual gifts.That is main things to do! Key verse John 3:8 the Wind! <3


am following .. happy also to have personally met you


He died once for ALL,
Past Sin, present sin & future in. None is perfect no not one. What is Important we must stay rooted in the WORD & daily take inventory seeking GOD'S Forgiveness.

Never go to bed without Prayer of Thanksgiving GOD for getting us through the day. In the morning when I rise I do devotions ( read GOD's WORD) Prayer of Thanksgiving for all GOD's generous Provison)

The Holy Spirit will let us know when you go wrong. Seek God's forgiveness asap that is the best way to discipline yourself & be released from the burden of that sin whether sin of omission or comission . Also gives gratitude for giving me another day.(not all will receive this gift). I ask for GOD's Guidance to do His will in Jesus name. I read the Bible & Think on what I have read .

I ask GOD to reveal what he wants me to teach me from His Word. Throughout the day I often chat with GOD through thoughts concerning how he would have me to proceed with situations I encounter or messages He wishes me to impart to someone seeking my help. I Love the LORD with ALL my heart ❤️🙏


I believe and of course theirs concern for i aim to be perfect and holy... I have slip ups and to be honest they are not as much as they were in the past year...
Father search my Heart🙏Teach me to hate sin Father👑JESUS HE>¡
