33 Whats the difference between applet & servlet |Adv Java Servlet Programming Tutorial advance java
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Whats the difference between applet & servlet? adv java Advance Java Servlet Programming Tutorial
Applets are java based web pages which can provide security.
There are two types of applets:
1) Untrusted Applets
2) Trutsted Applet
- Untrusted applets can not interact with the files of the file system so there is no possibility of writing virus to computer, By Default all applets are untrusted applets.
- Trusted applets can interact with the files of file system, so there is a possibility of writing virus to computer.
- When performance is important, then design the form pages by using html tags.
Applet Servlet
-------------------------------- -----------------------------------
1)Executes at client side(Browser 1) Servlet executes at server side
Window) (Web server/application server)
2) Generates static web-pages 2) Generates dynamic web pages
3) Needs JVM + browser window for 3) Needs JVM + servlet container for
execution. execution.
4) Part of JSE Module 4) Part of JEE Module.
5) Its class are extending from 5) Its class are extending from
Applet or JApplet GenericServlet or HttpServlet class.
6)The life cycle methods are init(), 6)The life cycle methods are init(-)
start(), stop() and destroy(). , Service(-,-) and destroy().
#Whats the #difference #between #applet & #servlet? #adv java #Advance #Java #Servlet #Programming #Tutorial
Applets are java based web pages which can provide security.
There are two types of applets:
1) Untrusted Applets
2) Trutsted Applet
- Untrusted applets can not interact with the files of the file system so there is no possibility of writing virus to computer, By Default all applets are untrusted applets.
- Trusted applets can interact with the files of file system, so there is a possibility of writing virus to computer.
- When performance is important, then design the form pages by using html tags.
Applet Servlet
-------------------------------- -----------------------------------
1)Executes at client side(Browser 1) Servlet executes at server side
Window) (Web server/application server)
2) Generates static web-pages 2) Generates dynamic web pages
3) Needs JVM + browser window for 3) Needs JVM + servlet container for
execution. execution.
4) Part of JSE Module 4) Part of JEE Module.
5) Its class are extending from 5) Its class are extending from
Applet or JApplet GenericServlet or HttpServlet class.
6)The life cycle methods are init(), 6)The life cycle methods are init(-)
start(), stop() and destroy(). , Service(-,-) and destroy().
#Whats the #difference #between #applet & #servlet? #adv java #Advance #Java #Servlet #Programming #Tutorial