Understanding Schedule Awards #DocEllis

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Understanding Schedule Awards
Know how a Schedule Award is figured? In this video Dr John W. Ellis explains how a schedule award is figured and what it means to an injured federal employee.

If you make $52,000.00 a year ($1,000.00 a week).
Percentage rate of compensation:
66.666% with no dependents, and 75% with dependents.

Multiply your percentage rate by your weekly income, this is your award rate.
Example: .75 X 1000 = 750

Different body parts have a different number of weeks.
Such as; an arm would be 312 weeks and a thumb would be 75 weeks.

Multiply your impairment percentage by the number of weeks (for your injured body part).
Example: If you have a thumb injury rated at 25% it would be .25 X 75 = 18.75

Lastly multiply your number of weeks by your award rate;
Example: 18.75 X 750 = $14,062.50 this would be your Schedule Award.

Another example: You make $44,000 a year, with dependents and you were rated 35% impairment of your left foot.
44,000 divided by 52 = 846.15
846.15 X .75 = 634.61 (Award Rate)
205 X .35 = 71.75 (Number of Weeks)
634.61 X 71.75 = 45,533.27

Schedule Awards are available for Upper & Lower Extremities, Hearing, Vision, Larynx, Tongue, Lung, Kidney, Skin & Sexual Organs. There are no Schedule Awards for Spine • Brain • Heart • Internal Organs. There are Schedule Awards for the nerves from your spine that affect your arms and legs.

You must be at Maximum Medical Improvement (MMI).
Maintenance treatment such as medications and injections do not lower your impairment.

The Doctor you choose needs to be an expert or you could lose thousands of dollars!
Your Doctor must follow the American Medical Association’s, Guides to the Evaluation of Permanent Impairment, 6th Edition. You may have to travel to find the right doctor. Your Schedule Award rating physician does not have to be your treating physician.

Appointments: Federal Workers' Compensation / OWCP
Injury claim information and appointment protocol for injured Federal Employees.

Schedule Award Calculator
Calculate your Federal Workers' Compensation Schedule Award payment amount.

Information Handouts: Schedule Awards

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Understanding Schedule Awards

Рекомендации по теме

Thanks Dr Ellis. I am a DC in Houston that works alongside an ortho and we see OWCP/FECA cases. I steer patients towards your videos for when they need some clear and concise input. Most of it mirrors our own but your experience is obvious and patients gain from knowing that they aren't alone against the juggernaut that is OWCP.


Hello Dr.Ellis
How do I contact you ?
Please, I really really need your assistance.


I am at my MMI, with a herniated disk on low back and cervical c6 -c7. This was cause by my low back injury. Does the insurance is liable for this too?


i got screwed on mine..my dr gave me 20% OWCP said they never got it...so I asked for one of their Drs...he gave me 5%...i found out after the fact they did get my Drs loss of use %


Is $46, 000 a person would get weekly?


Any idea how to find a doctor that knows how to write a evaluation per AMA standards in California?


Thank you 🙏🏼 I live in Az I know there’s not much doctors that know how to do the CA sevens in Arizona or actually if there is really none are we allowed to see anywhere go anywhere to see anyone to get this done for the schedule Award?


How do you rate chronic asthma due to Afghanistan? what is the lowest and highest and is it on both lungs?


What is in a low back injury ? I got a 45% whole body person inpeirment. How much in dollar figure is ?


Would I need to get a impairment rating for my amputated finger? It has been amputated at the second knuckle. I have about half my finger left. However I do not have half the usage left of my finger the nerves are all messed up and extra sensitive. I do not use it much. I am to return to work tomorrow. So I want to file for my S.A. do I need to do an impairment rating or am I able to just file for the schedule award since it is an amputation.


Hi Doctor, The calculation that you gave in your video for schedule award would that be 312 hours for each year that you are out of work but still employed ?


Excellent overview. Thank you. Do you recommend any Doctors proficient in Impairment Ratings in the Charlotte area? NC, SC, TN, VA, or GA?


What amount of weeks are given for PTSD?


Thanks Dr. Ellis I am a nursing assitant i work at St Cloud Va medical center MN fell tore my rotator cuff in 4 places and tore my hamstring off the bone i had surgery on my shoulder back in 12/02/2020 it did not heal well part of the surgery came lose so im on permanent light duty i tried to do a scheduled award my doctor did'nt complete it right do you no of any doctor in minnesota that know how to complete the rating correctly?


I’m in Texas how can I find a doctor for a schedule award
