Ask Doc Ellis Webinar Live (February, 2023) #AskDocEllis

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Ask Doc Ellis Webinar

Welcome to the Ask Doc Ellis Webinar!
John W Ellis, MD, the world renown physician and a leading authority on the medical and legal aspects of Federal Work Comp and VA Disability - answers your questions, Live.

The most important thing to consider when applying for Federal Work Comp or VA Disability benefits is to have a clear understanding of your case. You need to be able to demonstrate that your injury is related to your job or your time in the service. It's extremely important to have a clear and comprehensive medical evaluation from a physician, who can help you navigate the complex legal process. Your doctor really needs to be a Lawyer first and a Doctor second.

Some of the most common mistakes to avoid when applying for Federal Work Comp or VA Disability benefits include failing to submit a well written Nexus letter, failure to provide a complete and accurate medical history, not providing adequate documentation to support your claim, and not working with an experienced Federal Work Comp and VA Disability specialist that knows FECA & VA law.

John W. Ellis, M.D. or “Doc Ellis”, as we call him, is a highly trained physician, that knows FECA and VA law. Doc Ellis, kindly makes himself available, the first Friday of each month, to answer your questions about Federal Work Comp, VA Disability, Federal Employee Retirement System (FERS), Schedule Awards etc.

This video features the Ask Doc Ellis webinar, that took place on Feb 3, 2023.

Some of the questions submitted during this webinar:
How to request an oral hearing with the claims examiner's supervisor.

What's involved in requesting federal disability retirement?

Setting up an ECOMP account: what to claim and why?

Should I stay on federal workers' compensation or apply for federal disability retirement?

I suffered a traumatic brain injury (TBI) and was exposed to jet fuel during a 400.000 gallon jet fuel spill. What should I do?

If a patient is receiving benefits through the VA, are they still able to receive a Schedule Award for Workman's Compensation?

Can a patient receive a Schedule Award and be on periodic rolls while on the same claim?

I fractured my left foot and submitted it to the VA with intent to file; must I first establish a service connection before adding on a secondary claim caused by a change of gate?

Are patients able to be reimbursed for out-of-pocket expenses in regards to their workman's comp?

Appointments: Federal Workers' Compensation / OWCP
Injury claim information and appointment protocol for injured Federal Employees.

Appointments: VA Disability appointment protocol for veterans.

Schedule Award Calculator
Calculate your Federal Workers' Compensation Schedule Award payment amount.

Hand Outs: Schedule Awards


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Рекомендации по теме

Hello Doc Ellis, how could you possibly get the VA to award you on a disability claim for PTSD if the VA wasn't applying the law properly and made a mistake, or didn't have all your military records when they decided on your original claim?


do i need to come to your clinic for ptsd claim assistance? i have what i believe is the documented event required to support this claim but no clue how to move forward. I think i need an evaluation diagnosis from a mental health doctor, i.e. a nexus letter and a supporting DBQ but no idea how to move forward...???

i currently have 10% for tinnitus, and 60% for connected hearing loss, a dependency claim that been sitting for 3 months to just change my status to married and a claim for hypertension that i have not as of yet received any contact from the VA about. i am connected thru Agent Orange but in the jungle there was exposure to other chemicals such as diesel burning poop, foo gas, and cs gas but my real issue here is stated above, ptsd...
