Why Super Mario Odyssey Is Still The BEST Nintendo Switch Game

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The Nintendo Switch has a lot of games, especially in 2022, but one still reigns supreme for me: Super Mario Odyssey.

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I don't know why I just felt like talking about this. lol.


I cannot overstate my love for BotW. However what SMO did for me I didn't think possible: I felt like a kid again experiencing gaming's greatest moments for the first time. Both games feel monumental but the joy Odyssey brings is untouchable.


Definitely agree with you. Odyssey is the best switch game of all time. I’m still hoping for a Mario odyssey 2 🙏🏽


Funny how the best two games are the first two that ever came out on the system at launch all those years ago.


I beat the main story with about 400 moons. Now my son is 6 years old and he started playing my file and has about 900 moons! The game is still incredible and a lot of fun ❤️


I preferred BOTW in part because it was exactly what I needed at the time I played it. I was not just quarantined, I was quarantined in a foreign country in a profession that allowed for a lot of uninterrupted downtime, and I needed an open world that I could get lost in that felt magical. BOTW filled that hole like a Sheikah heirloom in a shrine pedestal. That being said, my girlfriend, whose only experience with video games used to be Animal Crossing Pocket Camp, became absolutely obsessed with Super Mario Odyssey to the point that she would cancel plans if she was stuck on a power moon. So I've got love for both, and although I personally prefer BOTW, a part of me appreciates Odyssey more because now my girlfriend can't get on my case about getting sucked into a video game.


Mario Odyssey is one giant love letter to old collectathon games but especially Mario 64. It contains references to all sorts of Nintendo media both retro and new. It's an amazing experience.


I think both games are incredibly successful at what they want to convey. Most of us have heard the story about Miyamoto exploring the caves and forests of Japan as a kid and how those experiences shaped his idea of what he wanted Zelda to look and feel like, and you can tell that with BotW, he was finally able to completely nail that original vision…but I think you could easily say the same thing about Super Mario Odyssey, in the sense that it finally perfected Mario in a 3D space, even more so than Super Mario Galaxy did. I dunno man. Very tough choice for me. And when these games were released just a few months apart, I was stunned. 2017 was an unbelievable year for Nintendo fans.


I need to replay this. The game was awesome.

There should be a sequel.


Mario Odyssey arguably has more replay value than any other game on the platform and going for 100% is so satisfying


It’s phenomenal but I’d rather have BotW if I washed ashore on a desert island with only one switch game.


Mario Odyssey is by far my favourite game on the Switch. It’s the reason I bought the Switch in the first place! Whenever I think back to the N64 the nostalgia does make me a bit emotional in a good way of course. I get that same nostalgic feeling when thinking back to playing Mario Odyssey for the first time.


When I get bored of a switch game, I always go back to Odyssey


Zelda botw is my favorite game on switch. So good man. Started loving the game once I got to Sidon and going in the divine beast. Played over 200 hours and even 100% with all the korok seeds and armor fully upgraded + all sidequests finished. No open world game has reached the feeling I had with botw ever since.


I'm a fairly new Switch owner as I just bought one 4 months ago. The first two games I bought for the system happened to be Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey. I bought BOTW when I bought the system and I bought Odyssey a few months later. I thought both were fantastic games. Whichever one you like better largely comes down to which type of game you prefer. For me, it was BOTW that I liked better between the two, but that is just because I prefer adventure games over platformer games. Also, I was done with Odyssey in about 1/10th of the time it took me to beat BOTW. But, I must admit, I have yet to do the post-game stuff in Odyssey whereas in BOTW, I did do all the shrines and side quests before I defeated Ganon.


100% agree with you. Odyssey was so much fun from gameplay, music and fun factor. The jump up superstar is on my playlist


I loved this game so much when I played it, it was the reason I wanted a Switch in the first place! Odyssey is still my all time favorite Switch game


I'm trash at this game, but I don't get mad when dying in this game. Lol. That's definitely a masterpiece in my book.


Ill take Zelda BOTW over Mario Odyssey but ill take Odyssey over any other switch game besides BOTW


Came back to playing this game with my son now that he's old enough. The game is almost a masterpiece! Such an amazing game!!
