What Causes Sulphur Burps?

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Oh I had this this morning and it was the worst! I forced myself to vomit and it went away instantly - this method seems to work for me. I normally get this when I eat really quickly.


My immediate remedy for sulphur burbs is drink a tbs of baking soda mixed well in 8oz of water. It tastes disgusting and might be contraindicated for some medical issues so please talk to a doctor. just wanted to share what always worked for me to future commenters


I’ve had this for 8 years now. I had a feeling it was from giardia or bacteria overgrowth. Sometimes it hits me every few months, sometimes every week.
No rhyme or reason.
However, it always struck the second I would wake up. As soon as I opened my eyes, I would notice my stomach churning. Then I would get up to go to the bathroom and I would burp and it would be rotten egg burps.

The first year, it hit me every 5-6 weeks like it had a schedule.
The main thing is to make yourself throw up asap until everything is out of your system.
You’ll know when everything is gone when you’re throwing up bile. Once that is done, the rotten egg stuff will be gone.
It definitely had a negative impact on my life as I never know when it's going to hit. Whenever I have something important going on, like a plane trip or appt in the morning, I barely eat the day before.


This is the second time I have sulfuric burps... it taste like I eated boiled egg... yuck


Guys, mix a spoon full of baking soda into a less than a half cup of warm water then chug that. It taste pretty bad but it fixes the issue for me pretty quickly too sometimes. My grandmother recommended this to me, so thankful


Every time I get Sulphur burps, I know that in 5 minutes to an hour, I’m going to be throwing up. I’m on Omeprazole and Metformin, and I’m pretty certain it’s largely responsible. Sulphur burps turn my stomach so much, and I get soooo sick. I could be back and forth throwing up and having Diarrhea all night. I just want to feel okay again. 😞


I heard that one reason why is because of stress. I couldn't sleep well last night because of gass pains and woke up with sulfur burps, last time I had it I was super stressed about something and I was burping a lot and each one tasted of eggs which is from the sulfur.


THANK YOU I had this for two days, I over ate. I never bothered to look into it. Now I know


Mine have started after taking Ozempic.


Have had this on and off this year. Did a ct scan, it indicated that i suffer from fatty liver. Which, left untreated could lead to other serious illnesses and could be a warning sign of other illnesseses.


I left my plate out till 4am, refrigerated it, heat it up & ate it the next day at 4pm. Took a nap & when I woke up the nasty burps were there 🤮
I think its cause I had salmon, tilapia, mac n cheese, and roast beef on my plate
(It was my thanksgiving leftovers) (wayyyy to much protein to leave sitting out)
I took two multivitamins and than drank a can of coke, smoked 2 blunts, drank water. It took about 48 hours to feel normal but I cycled it through without vomiting.
Also whenever I felt a sulfur burp come up I wouldn’t let it out because the taste and smell alone is enough to send me hurling vomit 🤮


I get these occasionally and I already know that it is a bad day when this happens because I usually end up making myself throw up because it’s so horrible. I have them this morning on a Friday. It’s been happening a lot since I’ve been getting older. Please help someone.


I have these nasty ass burps that taste and smell awful. Not bad enough to make me puke. But what sucks A LOT is that when I do have sulfur burps it makes me burp so much. Like every 10-30 seconds


what bothers me is that it doesn't happen unless I'm terribly stressed or if I don't sleep well and I dont know what causes them or how to stop it


It’s flammable ! I burned my hair, face and mouth! Don’t smoke while you have this ! Scared the 💩 out of me !


Me: that was a nice meal, I'm going to lie down now.

GERD: Run that back bro.


Experiencing sulphur burps for the very first time. Pretty much one of the most disgusting experiences I’ve had. Like boiling up a plate, full of rotten eggs, and downing it with a side of bubbly water. Absolutely nasty 🤮


My Burps are like this and I need to burp every 30 seconds and my stomach is killing me


been dealing with this issue for 27 years, been to at least 6 different Gastro doctors and haven't been cured yet and it is getting worse. so frustrated!


Since being on weight loss Monjoria I have been having it
