Benefits of Calendula Flowers for the Skin + How to Make Calendula Oil

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If you were to walk away knowing only one thing about Calendula’s many herbal gifts, it would be that there are countless benefits of calendula flowers for the skin! It heals wounds, relieves inflammation, increases beneficial immune responses, is mildly antimicrobial, and even protects the skin from radiation damage. In this video I’m sharing in-depth information about calendula and showing you how to make calendula oil.

Show Snippet: “Calendula improves elasticity and skin hydration. I recommend frequently using calendula creams on your skin to keep it healthy, soft, and pliable.” (Timestamp: 4:16)

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I’m a huge fan of Mountain Rose Herbs and will often share referral links to buy herbs or herbal supplies at their online herbal apothecary.

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00:00 - Introduction to calendula (Calendula officinalis)

02:33 - Calendula for the skin and mucous membranes

02:54 - Calendula for itches, rashes and scratches

03:49 - Calendula for bug bites

04:03 - Calendula for skin health

05:25 - Calendula for skin burns and preventing scars

06:18 - Calendula for varicose veins

06:41 - Calendula for ulcers, digestive wounds, and leaky gut

08:39 - Calendula for dandruff

08:58 - Calendula for postpartum care

09:40 - Why is calendula so beneficial for the skin?

10:47 - Calendula for liver support

11:21 - Calendula’s diaphoretic action

11:36 - Calendula for cancer and stagnant lymph

12:40 - Calendula’s antimicrobial action

13:17 - Calendula as food

13:49 - How to grow and identify calendula

15:13 - Working with calendula

15:43 - Calendula harvesting tips

17:14 - Calendula preparation tips

18:53 - Special considerations for working with calendula

19:12 - Calendula infused oil

20:33 - How to make calendula oil

22:54 - Calendula fun fact


The herbal and plant information in this video is for educational purposes only. The information contained is not intended as a substitute for the advice provided by your physician or other medical professional. If you have or suspect that you have a serious health problem, promptly contact your health care provider. Always consult with a health care practitioner before using any herbal remedy or food, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, or have a medical condition.
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During a fall barefoot walk through my garden, I picked up a sliver on the bottom of my foot. A hard painful callus developed before the sliver was detected. A visit to a doctor gave me the option of x-rays and specialist visits. A bit ticked off at these options, I opted to soak in epsom salt and pumice over the callus. I then applied a poultice of calendula flowers and witch hazel, followed by a salve of St. John's wort and calendulla. AHHH, the healing properties of Mother Nature without a copay. Thanks for all you do Rosalee, much appreciated.


I love calendula and use it extensively. It's in my after shower oil blend and it's always a base in any gut healing tea I make. I use the salve as a simple but my favorite is with equal parts calendula, cottonwood buds and Western red cedar.That formula makes the most amazing healing salve I have ever used. It also pairs well with a liver alterative formula for some skin conditions.


Thank you so much for your informative and beautiful videos! I am being called into plant medicine, but am very much a beginner. You inspire me to continue on this path, and I am truly grateful for you and your teachings!


I’ve grown calendula for years and made an ointment with them for using on wounds and rushes. Thanks for the great tips and instructions.


Rosalee, you are a treasure. Calendula is my newest friend, falling in love with it a year and a half ago.
In Jan. 2019 I got a cold that was going around and couldn't shake it,
like everyone else . When the weather got warm the cough went away but returned again with winter cold. I decided to wage war against it. My main weapons were calendula, mullein, peppermint and violet leaves in a tea. It takes care of it like magic. Even lately sometimes when I've been shopping I realize that evening I'm coughing and my lungs are burning. Right away I'll make a quart of tea, 1 Tbl spoon of leaves per cup, calendula, peppermint and violet. Puts the fire right out and no more cough. Sometimes I have to make another quart the next day but it works quickly now. The bug gives up, it knows it doesn't have a chance against God's medicine.
Bought calendula from Earthwise off amazon. But growing it next year, especially since you told us about all the other uses. Just amazing how effective it is.
Thank you


I am usining this plan for period pain. You have to drink few days before period and it makes miracles.


I make a salve, works wonders on burns and cuts, but also for dry skin and chapped lips.


Thank you. I am so grateful to meet you on YouTube.
I cut my flowers head in 2, before I dry them . Way more easy for drying.
Have a wonderful day.


Your videos are AMAZING! Thank you for your expertise and clarity as well as the depth and breadth of knowledge you share!


My first aid powder is equal parts, dried, finely ground, calendula, black seed and plantain. I've used it dry and wet as a poultice.


Thanks for all your expertise, Rosalee! I lovingly grew, harvested, and infused Calendula oil for the first time this year. So beautiful!! Question for you, though-- I plan to give them as gifts to friends, and I have several friends/coworkers that are pregnant. I looked up calendula in the "Handbook of Medicinal Herbs" second edition by James A. Duke. It cautions against using calendula oil when pregnant or lactating due to its uterine stimulating effects. So, out of an abundance of caution, I do not plan on gifting to my pregnant friends. But, just wondering, do you have any thoughts on this precaution? I hope to have a child someday, myself, and I'm thinking that using calendula oil every now and then for minor skin irritation would be totally just want to make sure!


I put some of the flowers in my homemade aloe vera & rosemary oil I use on skin & hair


Does calendula, pacific beauty variety, that doesn't have the sticky resin, still have medicinal benefits?


Calendula was my 1st "herb" to infuse and make salve from. It holds a special place in my heart.


Rosalee thank you for your informative videos . Would you have any tips on making the calendula and plantain tea for leaky gut??


This year I just learned about the Calendula's Benefits or though I had a vague idea that this was a herb to be justified, used and saved especially grown, which I have just started to do. Thank you Roselee and I would love to learn a lot more. May the blessings you help others with may you too, be bestowed with the same.🌼🌻🌸🌟🎀💐


Learning so much from your videos!! Thank you!


Wonderful video !! Thank you !! 😊


This was a lovely reminder and very informative Calendula experience so much love to you Rosalee I appreciate you immensely ✨💛✨🌒🌕🌘✨


Thank you Rosalee for the great message! Calendula is more powerful than I knew, and we love having it growing in our garden!
