Journey - Game Review

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IGN Editor Ryan Clements reviews one of the most beautiful games of its time, Journey. This downloadable PlayStation 3 exclusive is definitely one of the most memorable games we've played, but is the gameplay as good as the visuals?

Release Date: March 13, 2012
MSRP: $14.99
Platforms: PlayStation 3
RP for Rating Pending
Genre: Adventure
Publisher: Sony Computer Entertainment
Developer: thatgamecompany (TGC)

Take a Journey over to IGN for more info:

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Make sure of two things before playing this game.

1) Get a decent pair of headphones.
2) Play it alone without distractions.


I watched my 3 year old daughter play this...she came across the most patient stranger. They played for hours on end and Mikaya was 100% convinced she had just made a new friend in a virtual world. It was really stunning to watch, she smiled the entire time. I have never seen anything like it before this game.


The scene in the middle of the game where you are sliding down the sandy hill was one of the most beautiful and well-constructed levels I have ever played in a video game. 


Playstation Stay Home initiative. I would have never played this game unless it was gifted to us by Sony. This thing is a masterpiece!


When my partner fell down after jumping that bridge in the snow, I went after him. Then I fell down as well and he went after me and we both finished the game and now I come here andnread the comments and realize it was another person. And we can never talk about it ever again because I have no idea who she/he was :'( damn you game!!


Who’s here cuz it’s free for PlayStation’s “Stay at home” initiative.


i didnt even realize those were other players... now i feel bad for ditching them and treating them like AI ;-;


Just finished this game and in all my years of gaming I have NEVER EVER played anything so spiritual. This game is truly a work of art !!!


Who’s here after it was announced for free on PS4


I was looking for a game to distract me and I saw this was free on PSN. Downloaded it and played it at night alone in my room. No spoilers but the ending had me crying but in a deeper way than what was probably intended because I had just lost my dog 2 days before. His name was Dante and we had him for 14 years and I miss him so much so the ending section really hit me hard and I don't know why. Amazing game, goodbye Dante I'll miss you.


I played the game today and wtf that was awesome I didn’t expect that


that feel when your partner disappears forever :(


When I realized it was a real person following me I got so happy, we only did one level together because they left (I think they quit the game or moved on I’m not sure) but the time I spent with them was great. Pretty sure both of us had zero clue what we were doing and we just played music notes at each other for quite awhile and ran around in circles.


"Why watch this review when it's totally free."


Just played it...
In the end section, I fell of, and had to get up again, which took some time, and my partner waited for me at the summit.. thanks bro i love u❤


Finally got around to playing this gem, and yeah, it really is as good as everyone says. Seeing as the game is four years old now (I played the PS3 version), I didn't think I would get to experience the co-op. But as I was running across the desert, I saw another player off in the distance. I hurried and managed to catch up, and beating this game with a complete stranger is a truly amazing and unique experience.


Especially during the final stages, where the weather is extremely harsh, and me and my partner were cowering behind fallen structures to avoid being blown back by the wind, I really felt a strong bond between us. This game is truly beautiful, and I can easily see myself coming back to it whenever I get tired of all the guns and explosions that dominate the AAA games market.


If there is anyone out there who thinks video games aren't a form of art need to play Journey. Whoever thought a 2 hr digital downloaded game could be such a masterpiece. It further proves why the PS has the best exclusives and why Independent games are so damn fun to play. This game is worth getting at any price, that's why Journey was goty in 2013


This game is a freaking marvel. When I reached the last part at the waterfall.. No words can describe how happy and free I felt at that moment.


I always thought it was stupid when people argue about console power, thinking that  is what makes games beautiful. Art style works above everything else and this game looks amazing.
People can argue about pixels all they want but real developers know that's not how you make a game look good.


How come ThatGameCompany just makes the most pleasant, beautiful, and stunning games? It's like they have a completely different goal for the subgenre of video games they have created. They never fail to amaze me.
