Get all users from the API. Each user as a JSON object and all of them inside an array

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Create a single page application using Svelte for the front-end, PHP for the API, and MySQL/MariaDB for the database. This is a video series in which you are going to learn how you should think while coding, and you will learn how to debug a web based system.
The complete playlist:
Video 1:
Setting up the API routes and testing with Postman
Video 2:
Setup database structure and connect to the database
Video 3:
Get all users from the API. Each user as a JSON object and all of them inside an array
Video 4:
Get a specific user as a JSON object and validate the user's ID
Video 5:
Delete a user and validate the user's id
Video 6:
Create a user with name and image upload
Video 7:
Update the name or the picture of a user
Video 8:
Setup svelte and get ready to connect to the API
Video 9:
Connect to the API with Svelte
The complete playlist:
Video 1:
Setting up the API routes and testing with Postman
Video 2:
Setup database structure and connect to the database
Video 3:
Get all users from the API. Each user as a JSON object and all of them inside an array
Video 4:
Get a specific user as a JSON object and validate the user's ID
Video 5:
Delete a user and validate the user's id
Video 6:
Create a user with name and image upload
Video 7:
Update the name or the picture of a user
Video 8:
Setup svelte and get ready to connect to the API
Video 9:
Connect to the API with Svelte
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