Joe Biden, you’re a coward. #shorts #joebiden

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Amen. Thank you so much for not shying away from the living word. My church is a feel good church that doesn’t give out strong messages. I am looking for a church that is teaching the core values of Bible. I am so grateful to God to have found your ministry online. I feel like I am finally getting the true knowledge of the Bible and the meaning behind God’s messages. I have been enjoy your ministry over Elijah in the Bible. We need to hear the truth. Thank you for being steadfast and firm in your preaching, and principles as a pastor. It is refreshing


Thank you so much Mark for calling out men and holding us accountable
If we’re not held accountable here and we don’t stand up and do what we’re supposed to do as men
Then the Lord Jesus, will do it to us on judgment day, and ask us why we did not do what he asked us to do
And he may very well send a lot of men to hell because they did not stand up and perform their duties as men
You are a general, and a very high, ranking brother of Christ
If the apostle Paul was still walking, the Earth people would hate his guts
The Lord Jesus was walking. The Earth people would hate his guts.
People just cannot handle the truth
Thank you brother


How about getting people to be celibate or use effective birth control every time. No aid to dependent children.


👍👍 Anyone who is willing to slaughter a helpless child, has no trouble getting rid of a "grown rusty adult". So we're not far behind. He and all the others who think "merking" other humans for money better repent. Hell enlarges itself DAILY.


We're under God's judgment. We all need to repent and put Jesus first in our lives.


Not good to name-call someone like that in the pulpit.


Joe Biden is Catholic., not Christian. Our theology is not the same. 🤦


We are to trust only in God who has all the power and trust in His plan. We do not and cannot understand His plan but must trust only in Him! As I recall there are many questionable characters in the Bible who God had greater plans for that we can call cowards and worse.


You know I'm not in favor of our President Joe Biden. He is the Commander and Chief of this Country and if we want respect back from other Countries it Starts with Men of Valor like us having respect for the President so why don't you take your own advice Brother Mark and stop calling our President a coward. Men and young men look up to you and if they here and see you calling the President a Coward that's disrespectful and they will most likely be disrespectful.


Christ does not ever instruct Christians to take over governments, install Christian law, and force Christianity on people against their will. Nowhere. Christ instructs Christians to win hearts by exemplifying God's love and bleeding heart charity to the poor, ill, homeless, and even imprisoned. Its much more difficult than forced compliance, but THIS is the only Christian way to change and win hearts!! Offer love ❤ and charity 💰 for those lives you value so much. Right. You take the hard line when you can judge and force others, but you dont have to lift a finger or open your wallet. MATTHEW 5:43-48, MATTHEW 25 31-46. You're just hypocritical - ignore the innocent lives lost from gun violence because it's a right wing cause, but take a stand against the one that's a lefty cause. Hypocrisy.


is there anything that i can find where you have criticized 45❔Well IFthere is i will cont 2 follow but IF NOT-who is the pulpit coward? (respectfully)
