Introduction to Open E tuning - Guitar lesson by Joe Murphy

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In this lesson you will learn how to tune your guitar to open E tuning, along with the basics of how to get started doing things. you will also learn how to play any major chord in in open E tuning using a very simple technique, along with lots more..

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Thanks Joe, I am a disabled 61 yr old and have been playing for about 6 mos. Last year I had surgery on my left wrist and hand and have great trouble chording so I'm now using Open E minor. I found that I can Barre much easier than twistin' me fingers in knots. I really needed every bit of this and it is very helpful. Great Vid! Liked, Subscribed and set the Bell to All. Thanks so much!


I have played this tuning for years and you wouldn't believe the songs and instrumental tunes I can play, Blues country gospel I have played with some really good guitar players that were amazed how I can play this way, I'm not bragging I can play just about anything in open E, self taught this is the first guy that's put a good video playing in open E, and with a good capo I can play the same in the other major chords, This way of playing is almost like two guitars playing because you can play lead and rhythm at the same time.Its took years for me to really learn to play like this but it's amazing what you can play in open tuning, I wish I could show you what I've learned to play this way


Joes Guitar lessons
If you put a capo on the 3rd Fret then you're in Open G Tuning w/ a High G which means you can play Keith Richards Music w/ a bit more High End.


Broke my string "G". Then found my way here. You clearly have been through the school of "broken strings and guitars".
Thabk you for the caveman level of instruction.
It might seem to some thar you're explaining too much. But, i also found that u explaining the tuning of a string down or up to reach the correct tuning was exactly what i needed.
Thank you, from San Diego, CA.


this is the coolest!! thanks a bunch...breaking out my slide as we speak.


Dude, I learned more from you in 30:45 than I have in years. Excellent presentation. It's refreshing from the grind and limitations of standard tuning, I found a majority of happy notes that live and breath in this style of tuning, it moved the creativity of my soul. A million thanks!!!!


Trying to teach myself slide, tuning to helps a lot in coming up with licks while playing. I'm having lots of luck on the 11th and 12th fret just wiggling about between the two on the top strings.


Best video bar none, on the physical process of tuning to open (E). I really liked how the video covered the potential negatives of this tuning. Then proceeded to show a technique on how to best avoid those possible negatives. Most videos on open (E) either are against the tuning all together, do to the negatives or just jump right into Open (E) without the warnings or best practices. This is a great video on open (E) Tuning.,


Hi Joe, just a line or so to say what a great teacher you are. If I had been taught by someone like you when I first picked up a guitar I would not have got as bored and picked playing up a lot quicker. I’m 70 now but I think I would have been a great deal better if I’d been guided by someone like yourself. So all you up and coming guitarists take note.


I have begun taking your advice and using a metronome practicing these exercises and not worrying about how I may sound right now. Thus, I practice on this exercise 5-10 minutes daily. Additionally, I have incorporated using my Zoom handheld H4N pro recorder playing songs I have learned from you and others. Naturally, I need to improve certain parts of songs, but;, overall, I'm headed in the right direction.
Thanks so much for your sage advice and layed back style.


You make it so fun to learn you do it the best on teaching I've already learned something thankyoy so very much


Great tutorial. It is even greater when you can comfortable hold the chords and be able to play along with Joe.  Very wonderful first lesson to practice with.


❤Joe first lesson with u, ILOVEU thanks brah, I watched several, well more than with no reward until u came.


Late to this video and new to guitar at 50. Really insightful for me as a blues enthusiasts!


Thanks for the lesson, looking forward to trying what you have demonstrated .


VERY COOL refresher on the open tuning options, and how it can open up creative "doors". Extremely valuable, I'll be checking out all the other stuff. I stumbled onto this after pursuing slide guitar techniques. Thanks Joe


This is truly the best beginner lesson I've seen! Thank you, Joe. Please give us more.


I play in open E on my Danelectro and it sounds great cranked up!


Great intro lesson to open E tunning like going through another door into a new room of learning where the guitar might take next thank you .


Thanks Joe, you are an excellent Maestro mate.
