Zombie Apocalypse Bug Out Kit UK

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Zombie Apocalypse bug out kit UK. Are you ready for an emergency bug out situation?Some ideas for your own Emergency Care Kit to keep in your car.

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December again and raining again 😒😆 love the excitement you get out of it


Not a bad start!!! Have a look at my kit for some good idea's and tip's Little Lady .


Here’s a few improvements you could add . A fixed blade or a locking knife so you don’t chop your fingers off fighting a zombie with that Swiss Army knife. If it’s a zombie apocalypse don’t use the whistle unless you want to attract every zombie around you lol but it’s good in a normal survival situation so you can be found. Add multiple ways of starting a fire a lighter, water proof matches, ferrocerium rod with striker n maybe some cotton balls and Vaseline they make great tinder when put together and have multiple uses on their own. Change the box used to contain the kit to a metal one it can be used boil water, cook food and make char cloth for starting a fire. Add a magnifying glass and a mirror they both have multiple uses magnifying glass can be used to start a fire or help see splinters so they can be removed more easily. Mirror can be used for signalling, Tick checks in those hard to see places on the body and help you remove things stuck in the eyes. There’s a lot more that could be added but I know your trying to keep it small for EDC purposes


Might want to consider a leather jacket/biker trousers something someone can’t bite through, a poncho/respirator or something similar to stop blood or other bodily fluids from getting on you. Also a large crowbar makes a excellent blunt force weapon and can double as a breaching tool


ive watched shaun of the dead im prepared


Nice video, I'm going to do the same soon!


Tip dont use zombie..its more like day of judgement..Armageddon.
