What is Grace? Part 10: Grace vs Condemnation

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In learning about the beauty of God's grace, we have to discern the influence of condemnation that seeks to interfere. In working with Christians over the decades, it has been clear to me that what many consider to be God speaking or a direction given by God is actually the voice of condemnation. It's the enemy's way of keeping us under the influence of shame, guilt and fear. Yet we can become so used to following the promptings of condemnations that we don't know of any other way.

This deceptive trap will drive you into constantly feeling disqualified from God’s love, grace and mercy. A constant pressure will rest on your shoulders to do better and get it “just right,” yet leading to further bondage, all while repeating the cycle. Condemnation presents a religious path that keeps you bound to a set of rules that you can never fulfill, a standard you can never meet and will always remind you of your shortcomings along the way. Condemnation seeks to block you from the freedom that Jesus Christ paid for. Meanwhile, it disguises itself as a religious guide to many undiscerning believers.

In this broadcast, I want to expose condemnation and bring out insights to help encourage you to break free from its shackles and step into the empowering freedom of grace.

Disclaimer: The content published is for informational purposes. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your mental health professional or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding your condition. Never disregard professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read in our material.

The resources given are not designed to practice medicine or give professional medical advice, including, without limitation, medical direction concerning someone's medical and mental health. Any resources given are not to be considered complete and does not cover all issues related to mental and physical health. In addition, any information given should not replace consultation with your doctor or any other mental health providers and/or specialists.
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I've been addicted to porn my whole life. It made me mean and hate myself and eventually do alot of things that I am too asham3d to speak. But The Father is helping me to face myself. Having mercy on myself. Realizing I was broken at an early age cause me to understand I am not a monster. Just someone who needs to heal. I took a huge step and confessed my addiction to my new wife. This shedding of light has helped so much. Now may God lead me further into His rest. Amen!!!!


How many years as a Christian and I wasn’t aware that convicting was not related to the conviction of sin. I can honestly say it just brought a present of guilt and shame; obviously this is not good fruit. My Spirt sits well that God is convicting me of who I am in Him and his unconditional love. This makes more sense to me regarding the truth of who God is in my life. This is a massive one for me. I never once was taught this is church. I was going around in circles. I often explain to other believers that I ended up developing new sins to cope with the old ones that I was not healing from. Some get it and others don’t. For me I understand and view how it happened. I arrived in church, born again, didn’t understand I still had to work through my brokenness and jumped into ministry. I thought I was great but my mind was just the same because I did not understand the true revelation to being set free. I also got confused with the whole “works” thing so at times I thought my life was not changing because I wasn’t doing enough as a Christian and sometimes certain teaching also made me feel like that.


36:53 thank you Lord. I pray to believe this. I have allowed such a partnership with condemnation, and I judge everyone harshly, Lord I don't want to be a parisee any longer. Mercy Lord and thank you for GRACE.


Thank you for this series Mark. I believe some of your most powerful content has come from these videos.


One of the reasons I struggle with condemnation is because I have family members that never let me move on from my past. They hold me in contempt and disapproval. 🙏


thank you for this message, it was so needed.


I need to detox from said yes to Jesus when I was 14 im 64 now I have ruined my marriage help


3 of my greatest blessings: my salvation, my husband, and Mark’s teachings. Forever grateful!


I typed in “no condemnation, you popped up. I am so grateful for your teaching. God bless you.


Mark, you literally ALWAYS hit the nail on the head. I am beyond grateful for your wisdom in this area. Your journey, though difficult, was crafted to set us free! Thank you so much for your transparency. ❤


Thank you so much! I have been obsessing over a past sin. Going over my actions over and over again confessing and asking God and my husband for forgiveness over and over again. My head is constantly going over details and feeling shame feeling the need to confess gory details to others. I’m under condemnation.


Thank you Mark you have a been a great comfort during a very difficult time in my life. I have some of your books and will share with friends.


God's grace is sufficient and there is no condemnation for I am in Christ Jesus


I can not tell you how important these subjects are. Thank you so Thank you for also not telling us to not think there is God's love anymore because of the religious OCD we suffered. You are doing amazing, Thank you again because this really is saving me from years of pain


I have learned over and over, and am still learning that bad things happen when we try to play the part of the Holy Spirit instead of allowing Him to work, Him to convict, Him to encourage, Him to tell us when we are wrong and what we need to change, Him to tel us Who God is and Who we are. (John 16:13)
God knows best always and sometimes in our pain and pride we want to play the part we are not worthy to play, Judge, only He can and should hold that glory and power, it doesn’t belong to us and it never works. I pray we all can grow in the humble confidence that Christ is enough and only He has sanctified us, is sanctifying us, and will sanctify us. Amen, thanks for this video


Oh my. Your understanding of the flesh…that’s intense. Its freeing!


When I'm listening to you my life long depression disappears I just can't seem to keep the mindset once I turn it off and go back to my life


No weapon that is formed against me shall prosper


Thanks so much for these life changing messages


Your ministry is so important. Thank you so much.
