Lindsey Graham Refuses to Read Ukraine Transcripts from Sondland, Volker

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Sen. Lindsey Graham says he won't read newly released transcripts by House investigators of private testimony given by U.S. diplomat Gordon Sondland and former Ukraine Special Envoy Kurt Volker. "I don't care what any bureaucrat says."

The House committees leading the impeachment investigation into President Donald Trump released transcripts of testimony Tuesday from two key witnesses: Gordon Sondland, the U.S. ambassador to the European Union and a political supporter of the president, and Kurt Volker, a former special envoy to Ukraine.

In more than 700 pages of transcripts — plus a sworn statement and additional text messages among some of the key players — the committees laid out what Sondland called the “insidious” evolution of an effort to inject U.S. politics into relations with Ukraine. Key takeaways from the testimony:

Both of the State Department officials said that Trump was insistent on getting his personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, involved in Ukraine policy.

U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Gordon Sondland Testifies Before House Committees

“He wasn’t even specific about what he wanted us to talk to Giuliani about,” Sondland said. “He just kept saying: ‘Talk to Rudy, talk to Rudy.’”

Sondland said Trump thought Ukraine was a “problem.” Volker said Trump accused the Ukrainians of trying to “take me down” in the 2016 election. That reflected the embrace by Trump and Giuliani of a conspiracy theory that interference in that year’s campaign was plotted by Ukranians supportive of Democrat Hillary Clinton -- not, as U.S. intelligence agencies and Special Counsel Robert Mueller found, by Russians who opposed Clinton and favored Trump.

Giuliani’s involvement caused consternation at the State Department. “People usually smiled when they heard Rudy’s name because he was always swirling around somewhere,” Sondland said. “The State Department was fully aware of the issues, and there was very little they could do about it if the president decided he wanted his lawyer involved.”


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"NOT GUILTY BY INCOMPETENCE", you republicans are insane.


Republicans: we want transparency
*releases transcripts*
Republicans: I'm not going to read them


The vaguely gay version of Huckleberry Hound strikes again.


Anyone who refuses to do their job gets fired. Isn't that how things work? Does the plumber who refuses to replace a broken pipe still get to keep their job? Dies the grocery clerk who refuses to sell a loaf of bread and a block of cheese get to keep their job? How well would those businesses work if they allowed such behavior?


If he says he wont even look at the evidence presented then he shouldn't be part of the trial. Let me be in court as a juror and say that to the judge.


Sometime "The Truth" hurts !


The problem with this "defense" is that Graham and others are trying to say that since Ukraine's President is publicly stating that there was no "quid pro quo" then there wasn't one. This is BS because the Ukrainian President still has a vested interest in keeping good relations with the US and those in power, it would not be in his best interest at this point to say otherwise, if he did and Trump remains President, then the relationship is totally up in smoke. It would be in his best interest to either state nothing or to say that things are fine pending the outcome of this impeachment. Graham understands this, but he is a sycophant to Trump, so he'll use whatever BS argument he can.


What in the living HELL is wrong with him?
Man up fool wheres your PRIDE @the least set a example for your wife and kids❗❗❗Damn


Do you have to have a diploma to be a republican senator ?


Of course he won't read it, he can't read.... he was born that way.


By refusing to consider both sides of this issue and decide you have failed your duties of offic e and should resign all elected officials owe the American public at least that if not its a dereliction of office get out


Is he shooting for "Implausible Deniabiliy"?


Good for you Graham. Everything should be thrown out. President Ukraine and teump is find. OVER


Ughh, this myopic senator and his is craziness, ‘well look it, they got the money...’ is he being obtuse or what,
ignorance of the law doesn’t excuse the crimes. A robber, doesn’t come back after the crime and return it, saying ‘well look I returned the money’... absolutely gutless in any sense of the word. Republican or Democrat should all be ashamed over this.


Last time I looked attempted murder was still a crime. And the shoe bomber was still in jail for life.


Ukraine got the money the day after .. Lindsey Graham has no honor whatsoever to this country only to party...I wish Senator McCain was still around to keep this nut in check.


If he is to be a juror, doesn't he have to follow the judges instructions, John Roberts will be the one presiding, He might direct to jury to read the transcript, then he will not have a choice. I really use to like Lindsay, he always seems so sincere to me, but this new Trumpeon Lindsay have taken on a new not very nice personality. Trump might a bad witch who turns all around him to lose all decency.


Graham should go home, and come out... his life will be better


Lindsey Graham is a Hawke and can be quite aggressive. I cant help thinking this is related to suppressed libido – whether suppressed homosexuality or not being able to get a partner. Just sayin’
