Cruisers vs Destroyers: What are the Differences?

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8:35 "Knots per hour" is an acceleration.


Really? 8.44 in you have a picture of a Alerigh Burike class destroyer next to a Ticonderoga class cruiser... Claiming one is 20 knots vs 33.... Both are good for over 32 Knots... they all keep up with the carrier strike group.... peope who made this video dont know basic facts?


Back in the 80's-90's the basic difference was that the cruiser was primarily an anti-air platform like Belknap, Leahy class CG's, & various CGN classes. The destroyer was the ASW (anti-submarine) platform like the Spruance. While these cruisers were larger than the destoyers, but not by that much. Nowadays, the destroyer seems to a jack of all trades, including both the anti-air & submarine mission. The cruiser is still larger but is becoming obsolete, at least for the USN. ⚓️


When you classify the Cruisers into 7-Types, I thought I lost you. By the end of this vid, I learned a lot more and accomplished my long-term wish of understanding the complete fleet types! Thanks!


Was surprised they didn't cover Salem class heavy cruisers. My ship (Newport News CA-148) was 717 feet long, over 21, 000 tons fully loaded and could do 33 knots. Main battery was 8 inch & used brass cartridges not silk bags. Note: she was the largest heavy cruiser ever built. Her sister ship, the Salem, was used to portray the Graf Spee (A WW2 German pocket battleship) in the movie of the same name.


The biggest difference is that enemy can see the cruiser coming from farther away.
Remember the monitor.


My brother was stationed on USS Hue City CG 66 and USS Missouri BB 63. I served on USS Semmes DDG 18 and USS Kinkaid DD 965


Still no wiser 😂
Seen loads of these an it doesn't clear much up lol.


As far as I can tell cruisers better equipt for ground bombardment. Larger guns more missiles.
Destroyers faster more equipt for escort. Anti sub, guided missile interception.
Add frigates into the mix and it gets very confusing 😂


Is cruiser an American term? Because I don't think we have cruisers in the Royal Navy, only frigates.


These days the difference between a destroyer and cruiser isvlargwly academc. Both arleigh burke and ticonderoga do the same things and hence the difference is largely academic: a 10, 000ton hull is more or less the optimum size for an "all rounder" ship. The ticonderoga is only thete because, i think, the 🇺🇸 navy wnts to. "find" some role for that particular hull.
And of course some nation "deliberately" classifies its ships not using the modern definition, i mean, how can a 20, 000+ tonnes helicopter and F35 carrying ship be vlassified as a "frigate"?


You don’t say “knots per hour” it’s just knots. A knot is a nautical mile per hour


Battleships are bigger than cruisers. A Cruiser isn't the second largest vessel after an aircraft carrier.


8:55 All Russian cruisers exceed 10000 tons displacement.


This guys data is full of shit! The Ticonderoga class “Cruiser” has the same exact hull and engineering plant as the Spruance class “Destroyer”. The US Navy hasn’t built a true Cruiser since the 1950’s using repurposed WW2 hulls… All Cruisers after that were reclassified Destroyers or Destroyer Leaders. Our Navy has become a complete embarrassment under its leadership and the money hungry military industrial complex! Complete waste of money, billions and billions of total junk from their “littoral class junkards” to the “Zumwalt class embarrassment”…… Do your homework!


This video absolutely fails to answer the question in the title. The historical differences between the classes are obvious, and the information presented on modern vessels is both incorrect and completely pointless - how is saying that Destroyers are 5000-10000 tons while Cruisers are below 10000 useful? You could just say they're both ships!
As far as I can tell the real distinction is that Cruisers have more command & control facilities, but their capabilities are otherwise similar.


Shouldn't take over 10 minutes to cover this.


Untrustworthy channel. Without spending a bunch of time checking everything, I'll just point out that I've noticed false info, and so have other people. But the inane "a captivating ballet of warship evolution" annoys me more for some reason. You should have used a different word than "ballet"...something that actually fits what you're discussing. Anyway, I'm more than a little suspicious of the voice...I think it's text to speech, and that doesn't deserve views or anything positive. Whatever...this feels like the product of some automation, and I despise that kind of laziness.
