Can Google Read Your Mind?

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Had a thought about an object. Just got an advert for it. Scares the shit out of me what 'they' know.


Thought about schizophrenia randomly and got an ad for schizophrenia medication.

I never search it, or talk about it literally the only thing that happened is that I had a thought about how I had symptoms of it as a kid and I got that add. There's something Google is hiding


There are too many coincidence for there not to be something weird about all this happening.


this sort of telepathic stuff happens quite often with me on Youtube.
Weird and creepy asf man..
I'M ABSOLUTELY SERIOUS, it's not a joke at all.


If it can read your mind then it can manipulate your mind just as well.


There have been a few occasions where I thought google was reading my mind, but I usually assume I might have said something out loud or searched for it... but today I was thinking about a comedian I havent seen in a while, and instead of the usual cooking videos i get on youtube shorts, I start getting a bunch of Theo Von shorts. I know for a fact I only thought about him today, i cant understand how this is possible


In other words, google is SERIOUSLY manipulating us if we aren't all on the same networks and being sorted...


I came to this video voluntarily for one thing.
I live alone, work night shifts and sleep before the dawn. I'm alone with my phone and laptop most of the day. When I am in bed the only form of entertainment I have is either the phone or laptop. However I am completely silent. And suddenly I am thinking about something not even related to the content that I'm watching. Completely irrelevant. And suddenly it pops us on the screen, with the exact title in the video. Like everyone else, I panicked, all alone. Trying to comprehend just what happened. The thought of screenshotting it, or writing it down hadn't even occurred until today. However cases like these have happened to me in the past as well. We can understand that our devices are constantly monitoring us through our camera and microphone. However if someone is alone with their thoughts, its kind of terrifying. I once did an experiment with lucid dreaming (sort of), since I used to get nightmares at a certain point in the past. I used to think how/why does random things show up in my dreams and I began monitoring them. A couple of weeks later I came up with my own theory: everything that we saw in dreams, can be decoded, if we focus enough on trying to find the source material for these dreams. I was thrilled to have discovered something without even taking help of anyone else or the internet. And that helped me calm down and since then, I'm not scared of my dreams or nightmares. I still get some nightmares sometimes, however I've gotten used to forgetting them in minutes now. I don't think much about them and start my day fresh.

However the current situation where our thoughts are being reflected on the screen is vastly different from the nightmare experience. And this is actually terrifying. I'll come up with my own observations, analysis and reports in the future. It's an amazing theory, and I think with time, we can dig deeper into this and have more studies globally to reach a significant Level of scientific research and development to actually keep us safe. Thank you all for reading this.


I dont even say a word i just think and some how an ad pops up about what i thought


Google/Youtube 100% reads your mind. Me posting this is likely to have me flagged by them, but I need to get this out there. I am deeply disturbed by the amount of times something is in my mind that then will show up in a Youtube ad. I have not spoken, searched, or released this information anywhere outside of my mind. The immediacy of these ads knowing what I was thinking gives chills. I can simply look at something indoors, out of sight of a phone camera, a web camera, or anything else, and they know. I'm not only focusing on the times it has happened, ignoring the times it doesn't. It is publicly known that Google's sattelites are able to read a cars license plate from space. They use these to watch everyone to know what ads to target them with. It likely goes far deeper than ads but this is all I currently know of. They frequent accuracy of these targeted ads scares me. It has happened dozens of times.

There is technology that exists that we wouldn't believe exists even if we were told it does. Arthur C. Clarke said "Any technology that is sufficiently advanced enough is indistinguishable from magic." He was right. The technological possibilities of the universe we inhabit keeps me up at night. How much farther will it advance? I am fascinated yet terrified of all of this.

Tell everyone you know, get the message out. Copy & Paste this if you wish.


Hint: They read your retina and eye movement. The eye reactions you give are some deadgiveaway about on what you are excited or disliked, and the AI makes the certain correlations(along with comparison with people of similar habits, your heartbeat rate etc. etc.).
PS: Blocking the cam won't work. Even wearing shades won't work on new phone models.


Everything gives off energy and I believe that are thoughts give off light that they've learned how to detect.. Just like a computer reading binary code.


I thought about a song, the same day, that song appeared in my Youtube


I'm not sure how but yes its more then just hearing our voices and looking through our cameras. They can read our minds. And i might seem paranoid to even be saying this but who cares.


I am I that weak and predictable
Man I thought I was special and smart till YouTube start reading my mind like a lab rat


Regardless of our phones and other devices watching and listening to every move we make and thing we say, There are times when I just have a random thought come to mind and I don’t say it out loud or do a google search of it, and a few mins later it will randomly pop up in an add on YT or another online Platform. It’s happened countless times. I brush it off as a coincidence but it happens so often I had to ponder on it this morning, and what do u know?! This video was recommended to me. 😮


They are already in the process of it! That's what Elon Musk said don't let them put a computer chip in your head. It will be your worse nightmare come true! 😱 🎭😎😎🇺🇸🖥💻🖥💻🖱🖲📼🎥🎱🔮📡


Probably the Ai already have the algorithm to anticipate thoughts using the data that they derive from all the apps that a person using it, plus the camera in front of the phone detects your facial movements and already memorize it. It's Crazy and insane but a genius.


Funny how YouTube suppressed the sh*t out of this video


Remember guys someone's reading our mind. I freaking got recommended about "do google read my mind" too
