How Mind-Reading Technology conquers your Brain | Katrin-Cécile Ziegler | TEDxRWTHAachen

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I'm being tortured by the devices and based on the other comments nothing good is coming from this technology. I do not care to know what others think and really all you have to do is listen to them speak. Sometime this is scary enough. This is a total human rights violation a crime. Torturing others is a shame or murder.


Superb presentation, thank you, Katrin-Cécile Ziegler!
Please continue your plea for mental privacy, I'm too one of the people pleading here for freedom from the slavery these technologies have forced upon us!


It will fall into the wrong hands. Imagine an abusive partner hacking their partners implant, removing memories, placing thoughts/images into their mind to mentally co erce them etc. Its dangerous.


We need to start a group for people who have experienced or are experiencing this. Share the personal stories and experiences they have with it.


This is the Targeted Individual program-similar to havana syndrome-same painful D.E.W.'s microwave pulse torture tech.


Many great usages, but also immense power and control in the hands of whoever owns it.


I would argue that this is wanted and created by the wrong hands already. Those with common sense know that just because you have the capacity of doing something doesn't mean you should do it. The wrong hands ignore this principle completely.


Why don’t the ones that do this, have it done to them so they can see what it feels like ? I bet the game would change then !


"The brain is the battlefield of the future" - Dr James Giordano 2018


I hate to sound crazy but I’m 100 percent sure this is being done to me right now. I need help on what I can do? Thank you very much.


Im a victim also for 4 years now and I know who is doing it to me swear to God and on my children this torturing is happening and they don't need all the fancy helmets and stuff. It's my brother in law from the air Force and my sister his wife. And it started right after my dad passed away. There's an inheritance that they're trying to keep me out of. They can also give me terrible nightmares and pain in different areas of my body. A fuzzy noise has been in my left ear ever since it started. I messaged a detective again last night im about to do something about it myself. It's hurting me so much. I've lost jobs due to severe cramping they can give me. They are terrible people and I haven't even been in their life. But they found a way to force me to hear them 24 7. It's terrible believe me and I don't deserve this. My son just passed away last month of overdose and they showed up to the funeral and everyone was saying that they were making him go crazy before he died. This needs to stop


Please let me know if there is a group for people experiencing this.


The reason I'm looking at this is because lately If I think of something like ." My vine has giving me lots of grapes should I make them into raisins?" not mentioning a word i open YouTube and a suggested video of (How to preserve grapes ) that is just one example there are many more . I never looked at anything related to grapes I didnt mention this to anybody. My devices one or another suggest videos or articles about what I was in silence thinking. At first I thought it was considence but its been way to specific to my though lately. I have keep quiet about it because I don't want people to think I'm a tin foil hat wearing individual. However like I said it's become extremely precise. I'm looking some sort of explanation to this ocurance . Its terrifying to know my freedom of thought is gepardaze with the world being controlled by psychopaths.


There is a lot of people who are using this technology to seriously hurt every day people. What is the way to get help for victims of this type of abuse?


I am living in Utah, US. People can remotely access my mind and thinking. They are doing so without my consent. Is this the neural surveillance? I don't know how they gained access and if there are things that was implanted into my body without my knowledge.
I have been stalked for a few years now. The stalkers use loud high-pitched sounds and electric waves to attack. There are some kinds of high frequency buzzing sound associated with the electric wave. My head and body can feel the constant vibration day and night. Sometimes it is really intense. I was woken up by the high-pitched sound and the electric waves most of the night now. It has injured and disabled me. It puts my life in danger. Not sure if this is the weapon that they use to access people's mind and thinking.

The attack happened anywhere I went. At my home, other person's apartment, shopping mall, in a park or in a car. Where did those high pitch sound and electric waves originate from? Satellite? Cellphone Tower?

I have been watched and monitored day and night. The stalkers make loud snapping sounds to my home walls and ceilings to let me know when they are reading my mind. Not sure how those snapping sound get to my home. I don't know who gave them the rights to do this without my consent. How can I protect my own thoughts and ideas?

Not sure what to do or if anyone will believe me. But this is really happening.


It is incredibly important that the right regulations are in place regarding this.
Be a conscious consumer and don't engage in products that cross over your lines.
Exercise your rights.


When it causes harm it should not be used period !!!!


I finally found out that I’m not crazy.That someone has been doing this to me for a very long time.For what reason I don’t know.But it’s very scary


Imagine if they are testing this technology while you hold your devices


Am i the only one who will refuse to wear one of those ever, and i will fight anyone to the death that tries to make me, i will never have my thoughts read. They arent anyones to have but me. And knowing everyones thoughts is NOT FOR THE GREATER GOOD, so dont give me that bullcrap either.
