The Breakthrough from Poverty Consciousness to Prosperity Consciousness | 318

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Meet Randy:
Randy Gage is a thought-provoking critical thinker who will make you approach your business — and your life — in a whole new way. Randy is the author of eleven books translated into 25 languages, including the New York Times bestsellers, “Risky Is the New Safe” and “Mad Genius.” He has spoken to more than 2 million people across more than 50 countries, and is a member of the Speakers Hall of Fame. When he is not prowling the podium or locked in his lonely writer’s garret, you’ll probably find him playing 3rd base for a softball team somewhere.

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Thank you, Randy, for this podcast. I love your thoughts!


Thank you for your work I appreciate it very much


That one really spoke to me. Thank you.


The ratrace - or rather. dog-race - of my life made me sink to a level where I neglected a lot of those things you mentioned. Then I felt the need to live in a cleaner and more organized apartment. The first thing I did was clearing my closets of old stuff I will not use, gave them away or threw them in the trashcan. I also did some cable management on my PC desk, and now it is awesome :) I have a good feeling about this! Prosperity ahead! :) Thank you Randy! :)


Thank you for this video. Yeah, that's right. To change and improve something in life, you need to make your own conscious decision.


I just know that when things are in order around me, I'm in order as in a clean car inside and out, a clean house and organized. If not then I'm not focused at all and things just don't seem right.


You have a great grasp of metaphysical living.


When you mentioned the concept of "mankind is original blessing", in a response to someone a few years ago - after listening to your Prosperity cd's, RG - the "rheostat turned itself up".. I'd made a lot of poor choices and good choices prior to that. That is when my self esteem began to elevate and felt it was right and proper to live prosperously vs not. Now I make prosperous choices, more and more momentously. ~ Thankyou. This a very very meaningful topic and enjoyable discussion.


Nice insights . Up until now I don't know why I don't make my bed. I'll start with it then.


Dead easy to allow others to control your destiny or to take it easy and not at least try to fulfil your purpose. Did that for years. Not anymore.


i read your book about 7 Spiritual Laws of Prosperity many years ago... it captured me a lot... and actually what did the first thing you do at the past beside resetting your prosperity consciousness when you were broke to free yourself from it? can you share here it?


Concept is fine, but examples don't make sense to me. Making your bed is actually unhealthy because it traps sweat and bacteria from you night's sleep in your bed under the darkness, and grows. So when you go back to bed the next night you are sleeping in an bacteria-filled unhealthy bed. NOT washing your car makes more sense because in order to wash a car, you have to use caustic chemicals and soap which ends up in the groundwater and eventually back to the drinking water supply. Also you waste precious clean water resources when you wash your car .... if you are in California you should know this.
