Bible Study on John (John 1:1-18) – Mike Mazzalongo |

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In the opening verses of chapter one John goes back before the beginning of time to introduce Jesus and His relationship to God. (John 1:1-18)

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Thank you so much Pastor. I will be following your preaching. God be with you forever and ever. See you on the other side someday., I pray


Can you say a prayer to God for me, if he can say hello and miss and love himin Jesus Christs name, he was a believer also, one minute heis here, then the next morning 🌞🌅🌄 God took, Thank you for helping him, please say a prayer for us and our family 🙏 Thank you so much!!!


Jesus in the form of the word was the agent of Creation!! Seriously ? What a play on words!! How many times in Scriptures had God STATED CLEARLY that he and he "ALONE" created the world??? What did he say to Job " Where where you when" I" created the Millions rely upon Jn 1:1 in order to make Jesus the creator and also God himself. What a shame. Jn 1:1 is the most hotly debated verse in Scriptures as it gives credence to the incomprehensible, pagan and absurd "mystery? Trinity.


Why do you and millons of Christians assume he "word" meant Jesus?? Why does 't the verse just say Jesus, after all he had been with God since his so-called pre-exixetnce? WHY could NOT the Word been the word of God ? Question: when was the last time your word was with you?? "In the beginning God Created", or as many believeN0 - Jesus created the world! However Jesus himself stated "in the beginning GOD created male and female.." God also said Jesus was crucified before the foundations of the world. Does that mean he was crucified twice??


Thanks 🙏 mother lend johar mission India Bible College Ranchi Jharkhand Father misson me bapitima lijiye Manus ka original blood pressure yellow 🟡💛💛💛💛💛💛🟡🟡💛💛💛💛💛 hai maa beta dono ko kiyon nahi mante hai mother Teresa 💞💜❤️♥️💯 ka 5 rulya sika India Bible College Ranchi Jharkhand


STOP giving Jesus God's glory! Stop twisting the scriptures to fit your own preconceived albeit confusing and false teaching. The whole Trinitarian doctrine falely rides/relies on John 1 :1. If John 1 wsn't in the Bible just how many places would you and million of Christians go to try and attempt to make Jesus Deity???? Jesus is the Second Adam, not the second God-man or God... or God the son [nowhere in Scriptures]. What does that mean: Jesus had to be born a human just like Adam and his brethren [ch. Hebrews], he had to be able to sin, he had to be able to be tempted, and to die JUST AS THE FIRST ADAM. Had he been a God-man, he would not at all been like Adam or us! The "Word" of God dwelled in Jesus, just as Scriptues state it dwells in us via his Holy spirit. If Jesus was God [deity] or a mythical God-man then his obedience to God would have be pointless and worthless and certainly not an example for us to follow. How does a God-man pray to himself? Why did Jesus EVEN pray at all?? Why don't Christians ask thrmselves these questions. Dis the disciples know Jesus was God, did Martha, did Peter when Jesus asked him "Who do you say that I am"! Plus countless of others in the Holy Writ.


He is a fantastic teacher! God Bless you Sir!


May God Bless Your Ministries Forever and Ever.


Excellent study. Very comprehensive. Thank you for doing these.


The bible is so confusing to me. Thank you for breaking it down.


I am really thankful you have taken the time to post these teachings for people like me. You are a very good teacher.


The church needs to get you on national TV . You make the bible so easy to understand . Thanks


Cool video. I am definitely subscribing thanks!


There's proof of dinosaurs. Did God create them too?


The god-man of Rome is that prince of the people that shall come, spoken of by Daniel the prophet.

Isaiah 14, Ezekiel 28 and 2 Thessalonians 2 all talk about the fate of god-man.

The Revelation also speaks of the fate of god-man.

Count the number of his name, Chi X S. Count it out loud. It's the recent name ChiZeS. Count it out loud.

Should anyone be surprised that the false-christ calls himself Jesus as well as Christ and demand to be worshipped as God?

That has always been the voice of the Dragon.

That god-man is the messiah of the trinity of the Dragon, the Beast and the False Prophet.

Do not worship that Law-less one as God.

If you have ears that hear - shema.

Hear O Israel: the LORD our God is one LORD.

And there are no other persons, substances, demigods or gods beside Him because He alone is God.

Hear Him, Shema.

Believe Him.

Obey the first and greatest commandment.
