You Can't Unlock Hades in One Day and This Is Why (Fortnite)

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In this video. I (technically) unlocked the Tier 100 Fortnite Skin Hades In one day! Support a Creator Code: Zeywerks (#ad)

The Wasteland is coming to Fortnite, as we wait for Chapter 5 Season 3, Continuing from Chapter 3, unlocking Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Darth Vader and Spider-Gwen in One Day, Chapter 4, Unlocking The Ageless, Mizuki, Optimus Prime, Kado Thorne in One Day, Omegarok in Season OG, and Chapter 5, unlocking Valeria in One Day I wanted to continue the challenge and see If I could reach max level in one day. Using Weekly, Seasonal, and Daily Match quests, along with, Snapshots, Milestones, Super Charged XP, Rocket Racing, LEGO Fortnite, Fortnite Festival, and the Perceus Level Up Quest Pack to get there.

This Video is inspired by Luke TheNotable, who I'm following the format of after he stopped -
Also inspired by Perfect Score, who's been following the same trend since Chapter 2 Season 4:

Other Videos in the Series:


Fortnite Tier 100 in One Day Challenge - Can you get tier 100 in 24 hours? tier 100 one day, level 100 in one day, tier 100, tier 100 1 day, tier 100 one day, fortnite tier 100, level 100 in 24 hours, getting tier 100 in 1 day fortnite, Tier 100 in one day, tier 100 in 24 hours, level 100 in one day, level 100 in 24 hours, level 100 one day. Tier 100 one day, level 100 in 24 hours, tier 100 one day, level 100, level 1 - 100, tier 100 1 day ,fortnite how to level up fast, how to get to level 100 in fortnite in one day, level 1 to 100, fortnite level 100, #fortnite
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Like and Subscribe if you want the series to continue, because Fortnite isn't making it easy.

edit: they didn’t fix the XP


The irony of the low XP is that THIS SEASON WAS TWENTY DAYS SHORTER. So they should have lowered it all, but raised it instead. Its dirty as all hell.


The wort part about this chapter's battle pass is that there are only 1000 vbucks in 100 tiers. The rest are in bonus sections.


I cant be the only one who thinks that 10K XP just is not enough for completeing a challenge, say you ONLY got challenge XP every week you could probably get 1 level (Maybe even less) I think it should be 30K - 40K XP


Not even this dude could get to tier 100 in a day. We're fucked.


Not even joking, my friend was at level 92 (close to 93 btw) with none of the snapshots done. All 4 questlines to do. We grinded out all of those and he didn’t even get all 8 levels he needed, he needed to kill an extra person on top of all that to get the XP. That is embarrassingly low. We've genuinely regressed in battle pass progression speed all the way back to Chapter 1 levels.

The worst part? They didn’t address this AT ALL this season. Remember in C2S1 where they got called out and raised the gains significantly (Even in the chapter famous for “lack of communication”)? Remember when they fixed the system in C2S8 so they actually gave XP on repeat completions of quests? Nothing like that. Truly scummy.


It’s probably a money tactic. See how you had to buy tiers to get to level 100? Yeah that might be why they lowered the XP gains.


I agree with this opinion. As we speak, I just got level 200, and this took me 2 months. Last season I got to level 347 no problem, but this season took me way to long. Fortnite really needs to focus on how to make their community happy, not make money farms from them to buy the battle bundle. Thanks for this video man, your awesome.


Literally back in the chapter 1 days you would earn 5 tiers every week from weekly quests. Epic really gotta realise people don’t have hours to play.


I think the big problem with XP is that epic is making XP better for consistent play rather than quest completion.

Playing a little bit every day gets you more than enough XP to max out everything, but getting everything in a short time makes everything insanely hard.


I’m glad to see someone maintaining the legacy of tier 100 in 1 day


It feels like such a grind getting to level 200 in Chapter 5 but for me it has never felt this hard to level up. It feels like epic thinks we don't have a life and will play fortnite 24/7, alot of things are wrong with fortnite right now


Still hate how Fortnite handled this season, even less XP and the removal of skin rarities really destroyed my trust in the game.


"Since playstationgrenade stopped posting"
Playstationgrenade: uploads a lore video 5 hours prior


I remember when we used to be able to get 3-4 levels a week from weekly challenges not including the extra character quests and event quests. It's getting too grindy which is why I quit doing battle passes on fortnite. This battle pass in my opinion is probably my least favorite as I expected the gods to be god like and royalty not no tactical soldiers with grenades or a gun on their hip.


One of my biggest gripes about the season was how the minimal XP you got. I was pretty busy with IRL stuff and didnt play as much CH5 S2 as I wanted too. Luckily, as school let out for me, I had a little less than a week to grind out any challenges and creative XP maps to get the remaining stuff I needed. I didnt even want the superstyles at that point. All I wanted was to get to bonus rewards page 4, and get the fortnite festival mic skin (since I dont have any yet) and the 200 v bucks there. Due to the lack of XP this season plus the fact that fortnite made Ch5 S2 end a few days earlier than usual, and I was only able to get up to bonus rewards page 2. Im still really upset I missed out on v-bucks and some other cool cosmetics. Fortnite has to change the way XP and the battle pass works a little next season in order to make it seem possible to fully complete in the set amount of time your given while not making it super easy and mindless. Also, just to give you an example of how bad the XP was this season, back in CH3 S1, I was able to get all the way to the photo negative superstyles while still not fully completeing all my weekly and other quests, while this is the first season where Ive done pretty much every quest I could besides the milestones and I wasnt even close to the superstyles (One thing I wanted to mention was that I didnt buy the level up quest pack, but if I wouldve known the situation I got myself in, I wouldve just shelled out the money to buy the pack. While it probably wouldnt have gotten me to the page 4 bonus rewards, I couldve at least gotten nore stuff, plus some extra cosmetics that came bundled in the pack)


For other previous seasons, i got to Level 100 within a month. It took me 2 months to get to Level 100, Biggest L in Fortnite


I couldn't agree more dude I had to use XP glitch maps to reach level 200


quest xp was nerfed massivly during this season. Event quests gave little to no xp, like 5k at max, or just some event pass progression which doesnt go towards the main bp. Hopefully next season its better


I got to level 140. It was actually super painful and hard. They have made the game harder on purpose so you have to pay for levels.

I just wanted the free Vbucks. I basicly only play the game weekly to play the weeklys or if i really want to. I've definitly slowed in grinding.

I feel like they have on purpose made the game harder because of your videos.
