Inside The Cockpit - MiG-29 'Fulcrum' (9.12)

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The MiG-29 is part of the last Soviet jet fighter developments during the Cold War. Used also by East Germany, the 9.12 model eventually became part of the re-unified German Luftwaffe in an ironic twist of fate. The MiG-29 contiuned to be developed by Russia and became the 'father' of the more recent types in use.

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- Sources
AirForces Monthly, November 2000, Re-unified Fulcrums

Gorden Yefim, Mikoyan MiG - 29, Midland Publishing: 2017

Piotr Butowski & Jay Miller, OKB MiG, Midland Counties Publication: 1991

Luftwaffenmaterialkommando GAF T.O. 1F-MIG29-1, Flight Manual MIG-29, Change 4 - 20 September 2001

Music and Sfx from Epidemic Sound

#insidethecockpit #mig29 #militaryaviationhistory
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Both the SU-27 and MiG-29 are beautiful.


As a boy in Czech Republic, I've once seen 5 or 6 of these flying low in a formation, overflying our village and disappearing behind a hill. It may have been their last flight since the whole fleet of 10 has been sold to Poland in 1995.


I love that, in the pursuit of good performing aircraft, the designs just so happen to look so good. Doesn't matter what country or which manufacturer. The F-14 is iconic and simply satisfying to looks at. The Draken is intimidating and certainly unique, first aircraft to be able to perform a Cobra to my knowledge. The F-15 just feels fast. It can get it's wing sheared off and still be able to land. The F/A-18 stings harder than any hornet and those LEX are beautiful. The Gripen, the Typhoon and the Rafale have my vote for their canards. The Su-27 looks like it slices through the air. The F-22 looks majestic and I swear that it's doing some sort of air bending, along with the Su-57. And the MiG-29 is one of my favorites. I'm not even sure why, it looks amazing.


Don't know why, but I find the MiG-29 incredibly gorgeous.


One of the sexiest looking aircraft ever made.


The Museum in Berlin-Gatow is awesome. I never get tired of it: MiGs, Sukhois, Phantoms, etc. There's even a British Harrier there!


This and the F16 were my two "pin up" aircraft for my bedroom wall as a kid in the 90s.


The outlining of the instruments is really good. Makes it very easy to see the odd bits and pieces I'd miss by myself.


I'm amazed by how your videos steadily increase in quality. I especially liked the outlines added in the cockpit explanation part.


Einer der schönsten Düsenjäger überhaupt! Hatte vor 20 Jahren tatsächlich mal ne Deutsche Mig29 auf einer Airshow gesehen. War definitiv beeindruckend die Vorführung.


Picked up in the 90s at a Russian Airport by my Oil Service Company rep doing taxi driver duties. He spoke some English, me no Russian. Two hour conversation condensed: How is life?/could be better. How long working for us ?/ 2 years. What is your full time job with us / A Mechanic. How is the pay/not so bad . What did you do before >?// I was a Mig 29 pilot and test pilot on the look to kill technology . Best taxi ride ever and never felt so humble.


Love to hear the phrase "... and its still flying to this day" about an aircraft thst was cutting edge in my era lol. I always was fascinated by the MiG-29. Just a beautiful plane.


This is the cockpit (as shown in the video) is of the old legacy 4th generation MiG 29 of the 1980's.
Such cockpits with analog dials are not in use anymore at-least not with India which uses MiG 29 UPG in the Air-Force and MiG 29 K in the Navy.


I like how the they were kind enough to label the cockpit switches in English. And how artificial horizon instrument has a picture of a JU-87 Stuka, nostalgic when you’re in a dive.


As an American the Mig 29 and Su 27 and Mig 25/31 are my favorite Soviet jets, the engine inlet doors and wing vents are genius.


Very well made video, with excellent choice of background music.
Greetings from India. My dad is a former FULCRUM pilot. He used to command a MiG-29 airbase in North India in the 90s. As kids, we would love to stand at the tower and watch full-reheat takeoffs! 🎉


Mig29 is my first love and its will stay forever in my heart...😍😍😍😍


The U.S. intelligence community first learned of the new Soviet aircraft from satellite photos in November 1977, about the time of the jet’s first flight. Simply by looking at the size and the shape of it, it was clear that the Soviets were developing a counterpart to our F-16 and F/A-18.


I've been in love with the Mig-29 when I first saw it in KoKu Fan magazine 1986
