Level Up Your Git Game: 10 Little-Known Features You’ll Love

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In this video, I’ll cover 10 things about Git you probably don’t know. Some of these are quirky, but others can seriously level up your workflow!

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🔖 Chapters:
0:00 Intro
0:11 #1 git notes
1:27 #2 git worktree
6:00 #3 .gitkeep
7:05 #4 git reflog
8:06 #5 Send patches via email
9:12 #6 Fun fact: The maintainer of git
10:33 #7 The man page of git
11:10 #8 git request-pull
13:27 #9 git bisect
15:51 #10 git rev-list
17:22 Final thoughts

#arjancodes #softwaredesign #python

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My favorite one by far is git worktree. It saves me a lot of time switching between branches. What's yours?


One of the things I find myself using way too often is `git stash`. Sometimes I will make a bunch of changes, and then when I go to commit, I realize that I'm still in the main branch. But I want them to be in a feature branch. So I will use `git stash` to store my changes, switch to the feature branch, and use `git stash pop` to bring those changes into that feature branch instead.


I think being comfortable with interactive rebase, reflog and understanding how to use git reset --mixed and --soft pretty useful. For example if you've accidentally amended your changes to the last commit, but wanted to make a separate commit, just find the SHA from before the ammend with reflog, mixed-reset to that, and your changes are staged to be committed again.


There are two other great lectures in this format that I can strongly recommend – ”So you think you know Git” and part 2 by Scott Chacon. It’s a bunch of random stuff just like this, some of it very useful or interesting. 🧐😁


Could you please make a follow along dev video using git best practices - what to commit, when to switch and so on, how merge, rebase - and why . just kind a real life workflow.


First time I used `git bisect` was to track a bug in the Linux kernel .. took like 7-8 iterations (and kernel builds .. and reboots) to find the culprit. Very satisfying when successful!

One command I use a lot to get the current commit hash: `git rev-parse HEAD`


Hi Arjan! Please, read till the end ✌ Long-long-long time ago when the magic of Youtube algorithms recommended me one of your videos, I actually didn't like it at all, in any possible way it was the opposite of what I'd consider a good tech video, because I had an impression, you are just another tech-blogger, a little bit too much pretentious, and the content itself is not that much useful, but... BUT!
But for some reason I subscribed and kept watching (don't know why, maybe click bates work haha), and I didn't notice how my perception of your channel changed gradually.
Today I believe you are an awesome person, and when I saw that this really cool video only has 37 comments I felt it's not fair. Honestly, I was expecting at least 1-2 thousand of comments.
I'd like to say what I like about your channel and your videos specifically:
1. So nice, cozy and comfy! It's almost like a Christmas evening but, it's about coding, and you are Santa.
2. I like the little humor you add, it's exactly enough to make watching interesting, yet not turn into a comedy. The kind of intellectual humor which's so rare these days.
3. It's obvious for every one: you sir, are a 100% pro in this field, not a person, who just pretends to be one. And even I don't need 75% of what you are talking about for my work, I like to know more about it, because it looks so easy when you explain things.
4. The setting, the light, the sound - just perfect without any shouting, music or anything else! Honestly, I started to watch your videos not for education purposes, but just to listen to something smart during coffee breaks. Your channel gives the same feeling as the famous LockPickinLawyer: calm intellectual retreat.

I sincerely wish your channel to grow and prosper! 🖖 If one day you are traveling in Hong Kong or Shenzhen (or just South China in general), I owe you a cup of coffee! Cheers!


My whole workflow is built around worktrees. I do a "bare" clone to keep that base directory relatively clean, and the keep all worktrees in that base.


Could you consolidate all the concepts of git in a course like structure. Could be pretty usefull


Amending is certainly one feature not mentioned that is very important to know - fixing existing commits.


I really expected to see git ls-files / git cat-file in the list. Learning about those two will help dispel the mystery in the git db.

I echo the comments about interactive rebase - git rebase -i - that command has saved my bacon more than once.

Also this is a standard alias I setup on any new system to get a one line, colorized log per commit:
alias.lg=log --color --graph -%C(yellow)%d%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cd) %C(bold blue)<%an>%Creset' --abbrev-commit

Aliases are a powerful feature such as this one to save typing:
alias.stashu=stash --include-untracked

But I guess git worktree might be even more useful now a days ...

Thanks again for a great video!


@ArjanCodes I always wonder why you don't pronounce the "i" in repository. You always say: repostory


I like interactive rebase the most and force push to master.


I like "git blame". The name says it all!


learning git really well honestly is harder than learning Python.


`git co -p` or `git reset -p` or `git add -p`, `git co main; git pull; git co -; git rebase -`


IIRC, Linus said GIT sucks, but sucks less than all the others.


if git was really good then every writer would be using it but no it's a distraction from the artistic process
