Soul Eater - PAPERMOON - Full Opening (OP 2) - [ENGLISH VERSION Cover by NateWantsToBattle]

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Full English Opening Cover of Papermoon by NateWantsToBattle. Full English dub cover of Papermoon is the 2nd opening music theme song (OP 2) from anime “Soul Eater.” Soul Eater anime a adaptation of the manga series of the same name produced by Bones aired on TV Tokyo in Japan.

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Video by b2crea ► Andrés Montero Conde
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Me: So what the anime is about ?

Friend: A person hitting another person with a person while living in Halloween Town.


Anyone else feels like they're back in high school due to these full anime covers, like this feels so nostalgic to hear again


“There is no inherent right or wrong in this world, those labels are just artificial constructs. Right and wrong are held by positions of authority.”

-Franken Stein

I still agree with this quote to this day and with a little bit of observation, you can see that this quote truly speaks volumes.


this series need to come back and have an reboot that *ACTUALLY WORKS.*


Resonance, Core pride, sorairo days, and now papermoon?
Are the full version requests being granted?
Is this because we’ve been good and stopped asking for wolf in sheep’s clothing?


"Now the show is just beginning! There's no more time to think about. The stage is all set for the big concert and it's time to play. Let's get started!"


I wish we would get an anime that followed the manga’s ending.


I feel old listening to this cover cause I remember listening it when Nate released the first one years back


You have no idea how much I've been waiting for the full version.
Although it doesn't seem to have the same "punch" as the TV version, I don't really know how to put it, but the older version had more emotion.
Still, I'll repeat this song for hours.


Speechless. That's the only word I can describe myself to be after listening this.


natewantstobattle covers were my thing when i was like 10 and this song hit different back then lmao- although ive grew out of anime, i still feel these lyrics 🥺


I screamed when I saw the post yesterday
And I'm currently screaming listening to this

Screams all around


My favorite song from Soul Eater, sung by my favorite musician!


I'm falling
Down into my shadow
Holding in my every breath
As I await the deadly night
So scary
But you can't give into this
Fear of pumpkin carriages
And all the witches see it in your eyes

See you in your dreams soon, baby
Your nightmares, too
That's where I'll find you

Fairy blue, you know it's all for you
I would crush the stars above
And display them high with my
Black paper moon
If you truly put your faith in me
When you're lost, here I am
Forever with your soul

Waiting high above you patiently
Like a papermoon

Into the
Sky rises a symbol of
Every single hope and dream
Now all the stars are crimson red
Your destiny
If you wish for it to be
It could be what you desire
Your vision could become your entire world

Quit playing all these games, baby
Make no mistake
Now I cannot break

Fairy blue, you mean so much to me
For all eternity
I've been in captivity
Then you called me
Captivated by your blinding light
I will find you, my dear
Wherever you may be

Free you from the curse ensnaring you
Then you and me can fly away
You have to believe me that I believe in you
No matter how many times they bring me down
I hear all the echoes of words that you told me
Now, you and me, are destiny, now

Fairy blue, you know it's all for you
I would crush the stars above
And display them high with my
Black paper moon
If you truly put your faith in me
When you're lost, here I am
Forever with your soul

Fairy blue, you mean so much to me
For all eternity
I've been in captivity
Then you called me
Captivated by your blinding light
I will find you, my dear
Wherever you may be

Waiting high above you patiently
Like a papermoon


That was perfect Nate!

Soul Eater remake squad, where u at?! 😂


Really enjoying all the remade covers you’re putting out, I wasn’t here for most of the originals but these covers now sound a lot more improved.


Man, I remember playing the original and recording it on my middle school flip phone. It's baffling that I'm now almost 20 listening to this in my barracks. It's been a blessing to have this voice inspire me all these years


The nostalgia courses through my body with every verse. I really needed this today.


Boy I'm loving my reread of soul eater after finishing fire force! I had to come back to this song! If anyone is thinking of reading fire force give it a go especially if you like soul eater. The way he linked the two stories was amazing and mind blowing.


I miss watching Soul Eater, definitely one of my favorite animes Also the second opening is the best!!💜
