Arknights EP - [Immutable]

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A faint wayfaring folksong, rocked about in the river of time.
A wind which went in search of answers, long on a road sans idea of where it came.
[Immutable]. That world under impassive inspection, still as same as ever.

Singer: Melissa Kaplan
Lyrics: Melissa Kaplan
Composer: Robert Wolf

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Arknights is a strategic RPG mobile game with a fantasy theme.

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As omniscient Kal'tsit is and how we see her as almost a god figure, she still remains as one of the most grounded characters in Arknights. She almost knows all and can even manipulate others to her convinience, but no, she remains wise and will always do the best actions for the sake of saving lives.


_"You have witnessed a very small portion of her tortuous journey. Inscribed within her eyes are a great land and an entire epoch. Just as we cannot condense the rise and fall of civilizations in a single word, we scarcely have the words to describe her."_
- A Walk in the Dust, Final Engraved Medal

As always: Cheers everyone! ^_^


Kal'tsit is a woman of focus, commitment, and above all..

She's no different from everyone else a confused person just trying to make things right .


Its interesting that kal'tsit has a vast knowledge on Terra, like visiting iberia back then before its destruction, knowing the secrets of the Emperors Blade's, and etc. She's the most mysterious people along side Doctor. Also her tactical acumen is high that can't even be measured.


Finally, so far one of my favorite EP

Goes well with Kal'tsit and her story


Heard this one a while back when Kal'tsit first came to CN and all I have to say is Melissa Kaplan and Robert Wolf did such a beautiful job on this track its unbelievable. The vocals are so beautifuly in line and tone with what Kal'tsit would sound like, but the lyrics are so well done with metaphores and references to past events around Kal'tsit like the "The blind bargain's thin" possibly referencing her time with Passenger and Old Isin, or the line "Her mind is confound, She's no stranger to method sound" which is referencing her ageless experiences and the fact that she experienced so much. I have a strange feeling that she's seen so much, she's become emotionless in a way and that's what makes her song, her leitmotif so much better and so much more amazing.


Kal’tsit: *starts a long exposition

High Inquisitor: “Get to the point.”

Kal’tsit: **Immutable intensifies*


I think the best part of Kal'tsit's whole character is that we know she's playing 4D chess on a level above everyone else, yet it still doesn't matter. Like everyone else in Terra, she's swept in the flow of the events. She's omniscient, possibly immortal, but that doesn't matter since even with all her power and influence, she can only do so much. We don't even know if she's human, but she's more human than a lot of people on Terra we've met over the course of this game's history. In the end she's just one person, a really strong and powerful person, trying her absolute hardest to solve the threads of pain tied within lives that changes the course of history, but she can only do so much.


She is probably the most mysterious characters ever in the game


This song perfectly describes Kal'tsit and her struggles in Terra. Despite showing less emotion, she's one of the most caring characters in Arknights. Would love to hear the Vigilo event song in the future.


Yo Yostar, there's a great game included in your music album releases.


For me, Kal'tsit is the most majestic charater I've ever seen. She feels like she doesnt even have a weak point. Her character, her design, her role on the story. She's just... too much perfect.


Kal'sit may be very well older than Terra itself by the way she seems to have lived through the rise and fall of entire nations and civilisations.

An interesting point. In Theresa's voice logs she mentions that Kal'sit would tell her wondrous tales of how the world is much larger than she can dream' of how people would journey through the "river of stars". So Kal'sit may be from beyond this world.

A theory I would like to put forward- the current "Terra" is the result of trying to "terraform" a planet for space-faring humans to settle. And originium and catastrophes are the result of this "terraforming" gone wrong. Maybe that's why Kal'sit, being one of the original settlers, feels personally responsible for all this suffering in the world and fights an unending battle to correct what she perceives as her mistake.


Vibing to this with Kal'tsit on my landship, the best of luck to the Doktahs pulling for her


She's been through all of the places in the history of Terra. Going through uncountable meeting which leads to disaster and salvation. And after all that, here she is with us. Facing forward into the unknown future. Through all the losses that she had in the past, at least the future still holds hope. May her journey find it's end one day. But for now, let us join her journey through this world filled with calamity


_" I wondered, what will happen if I use the defibrillator on my cold hard pizza-"_

- Moments before Warfarin is strangled to death by Kal'tsit


One of the best theme song of a 6*. The song is definitely filled with alot of meanings! When I first listened to this is I definitely have a goosebumps hearing this. The song is definitely and worthy to be Kal'tsit song on how mysterious, tactically minded and how much caring she actually is.


Once again, I am reminded how much I wish I could buy these songs in a quality lossless format.


Bow to the wind.
Feel her vestments,
Heal my skin.
The blind bargain's thin.
She's no stranger to rushing in.

Mission sub rosa,
Concealed en umbra.
Throwing caution to the wind.
She'll risk it for the lives.
She's left behind.
Hope's alive,
But she's flying blind.

Capricious at a moment's notice,
You ready?
Staging through time,
On her thread she'll save us nigh.
Her mind is confound,
She's no stranger to method sound.

Mission sub rosa,
Concealed en umbra.
Throwing caution to the wind.
She'll risk it for the lives.
She's left behind.
Hope's alive,
But she's flying blind.

Standing eclipse.
Feel the fire on her skin.
The blind bargain's thin.
She's no stranger to rushing in.

Mission sub rosa,
Concealed en umbra.
Throwing caution to the wind.
She'll risk it for the lives.
She's left behind.
Hope's on the rise,
But she's flying blind.

Sing a long lyrics - Guider T


finally our Mother.. one of the 7 Wonders of Terra. but you know what? she seldomly smiles and only do it for Theresia (upon receiving her letter) and Skadi at the end of SV - 8, it's like she feels 'kindred' with both of them and only then she feels close enough to smile.
