Why do so many women gravitate towards #narasmith #tradwife #genderroles ? 🤔 (FULL VIDEO ON CHANNEL)

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Could be in addorance and awe due to a the position other women are in having to be the bread winners, it can create strong or cold women or well rounded women. I think to each their own some women may prefer to be in positions of work and may find it boring to be a stay at home wife, while others crave it. Probably due to backgrounds or style of living that can contribute a factor to this plus biology. For myself I'd love to be stay at home with a mix of work I suppose I enjoy work but I also enjoy cleaning and being at home. I guess if it was viable be able to work 3or 4 days and be home for 3 to at least contribute financial it's nice to have your own money and some men may take care of you but they don't buy or know everything you want or need. Fascinating I wonder if this will effect further generation!
