Teachers, What's The Most DEPRESSING Thing Your Kids Have Said ? | AskReddit

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Teachers, What's The Most DEPRESSING Thing Your Kids Have Said ? | AskReddit
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the kid with ADHD who said "they all hate me, don't they?" made me tear up. i have ADHD and i'm constantly worrying about things i can't control because as a kid i was constantly yelled at or made fun of for them. cry easily? get beat or yelled at whenever i cry. inability to focus? have it pointed out to everyone and get humiliated for it. tics i'm made fun of for.


The kid who had his friend murdered made me bawl my eyes out. People are horrible


in 7th grade one of my friends were just sitting, somewhat crying, and the teacher says ''why are you so sad boy? did you break up with your girl friend?'' and laughed. i saw tears come down his face and he just said ''have you had your mom kill herself?''
the whole class was silent. the teacher mumbled something out of shock and said ''lets not talk about this i guess'' with a shaking voice. he went to seek mental help that year.


The one with the brain dead mother hurts like hell. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to call my mom and tell her how much I love her.


I'm the kid that had a teacher who had a great teacher but broke his heart. I had trouble as a teen, lots of stuff I could go into, but most of it boils down to identity, and familial issues. One day I was just so sad I didn't have the energy to put on my usual "happy mask" that I had. I was known as the kid that laughed at literally anything, I smiled, and cracked jokes even when I was dying inside. When I just straight up couldn't put the mask on because it was just too much effort, I was brought outside to the hall and asked what was up. I told him that I wasn't sure I was going to come to school the next week. I was planning on killing myself because, at the time, my family was always fighting, I had no friends - I felt like I was annoying to everyone even when all I said was hello - and the only living thing I cared about at the time had died a week prior(my dog, who I got when I was 5). When I told him all that, he asked if I wanted a hug and I broke down crying like dam had broke. I still feel bad for him cuz a week later I attempted, but not completed, suicide. When I woke up in the hospital from blood loss and lacerations on my arm, its then I actually felt like I let him down worse than I let anyone else, because I promised him I'd keep going and make something of myself. instead I was sat in a hospital bed barely a week later.

Mr. T was a fantaistic science teacher, and I still credit him today as to why I'm am endocrinology researcher. Biology is awesome, and I wish I could tell him that, but I don't have his contact information and the school he worked at closed 3 years after I graduated. I was only 14 at the time, but I remember how he treated me.


Sorry if my English is bad, I'm not native

In highschool, my math teacher called me to the counseling room and ask me why I was sad and didn't smile more often. I just broke down crying and tell him that it's nice of him to notice that because as a kid, I notice people never notice my struggle so I never care about me. Him giving me the attention and emotional support that day gave me the strength to push forward in life. I just wish he was my real dad

Edit 1: wow thank you guys for the likes, my comment and the likes makes me want to meet him after years of no contact. If I do meet him sometimes i will give an update about the meeting. Probably I will show this thread to him.

Edit 2: just to be clear here, I am sharing this to vent, yes, and also to share that there is still hope for those who are hopeless, there is light inside the darkness. If you are looking for a sign of hope this is it. I hope for the best for those who lost hope.


i bursted into tears when the story said " I gave them an extra recces and i watched him play with the other kids in the sun, having the best time ever, since it might be the last time he felt happy like that ever again ", im still crying


Not a teacher but a student. I knew another student who was very not well. Her parents would often hit her, and she would come to school with bruises. Soon she developed Ed, and I had tried to help her. She started talking about how if she was gone, nobody would care or notice except me. It was obvious that the teachers didn’t like her because she would often sleep in class due to low energy. To make things worse she had adhd, and her grades were dropping miserably. Most of the students were mean to her and bullied her most of the time. One time she came into class telling me that she would say goodbye today. At first I didn’t know what that meant, but as I thought about it I relized. Quickly I toLd the teacher and the counselor. They instantly called her into the councilors office. Today she is now well and we still keep in touch.


I'm a student but once I was having a flashback to some BAD trauma in class and my science teacher called me into the hallway and helped me through the whole thing, I never said I word to her about what the flashback was but she knew I was having a panic attack and honestly that just meant a lot that she was just willing to help with the troublesome class she has, Thanks to her I have found my love for science again.


It's hard to differentiate which story is a new one because this man doesn't take a small pause between any sentence.


Not a teacher, but I know a lot of teachers and students are upset about this right now. A girl named Rachel has gone missing. We think it's because of the trauma she has going on right now from when her mom left her brother, her, and their dad at a young age. The dad died about a year ago and they currently live with their grandparents rn. Now Rachel is missing.
So for anyone who lives in NC and has seen posts or flyers about her, please keep Rachel in mind ❤

Update: They found her! She just came home this morning to come to school and the police are investigating right now! Thank you to everyone who kept her in mind! ❤


when i was around 13, a teacher wanted to talk to me after class. i thought it was about grades (im not the best in school.), but she asked me if i was okay because i fell asleep alot, i was pretty mellow for my age, and seemed like a people pleaser. i nearly broke down. <3


Not a teacher but this happened to my little sister. It was around the holidays and our grandma was coming to visit. My sister wanted to make her a drawing and said she was going to work on it at school. That day she came home crying. The kids in her class took her drawing from her hands, looked at it and laughed. They ripped it and said, “don’t cry, I’m just showing you how much you suck at art, and you won’t be able to accomplish anything in life” she was also constantly bullied by her class. But what makes my heart hurt the most is that she’s been told to unalive herself more than 7 times. By the way, this happened when she was eight. Lucky she’s ok now, and her art skills have improved and she finally has friends. I’m just so mad at how heartless people can be.


In middle school, I had a homeroom class where the teacher told us to play games and answer questions, Like a little break from school. When it was my turn to answer "Why is mental health important". I answered "I need my mental health to be good so I could stop myself from killing myself". The whole class looked at me shocked, The teacher did too. She even asked if I was okay. I said yes because I didn't want to vent in front of my whole class.


The saddest thing i’ve heard from a student was from one with ADHD.
She had ran away from her house, but was found and escorted back home.
The day after that incident, her mother walked into her room and tried to get her up to go to school, but she didn’t pressure her too much to do so. Then, she found a paper with a bunch of words on it, and she sent these to her mental support teacher.
When she got the photo, she teared up.
the words written were things like,
It’s not that hard / just get through the day / people are having a worse day than you / you’re just trying to get attention / why do you cry all the time / do you honestly think anyone cares about those stupid things / it’s okay, no big deal / that’s silly / you obviously choose to not go to social events and prefer to stay in bed and do nothing with your life / you’re the most dramatic person i’ve ever met. /
Her mother asked her if other people said these things to her, or if she told them to herself.
She nodded and said, “both.”


That’s just depressing we should all be grateful for our lives


I had that one guy in school. Not any different then the others. One day, our teacher was upset with him for having so much bad grades and at the end of her scolding, she asked: "What would your mother think?!" He answered with a sad voice: "But I don't have a mom..." The room went silent. Teacher brought him out of the classroom for the talk and when she came back she said that his mother died when he was little, and his dad always gets remmaired so he doesn't have proper mother figure. It was sad because we were all 9-10 y/o at that time. Idk how is he doing today, he went to Germany because of his dad's new job few years ago. Hope he's fine.


One time in 3rd grade, my friend from a different school, was accused of selling drugs. he was 9 years old, and accused of this crime. they had him for 7 hours interrogating him while he was in tears, telling the police he didnt do anything


about the whole social worker thingy, deadass saved my life lmao. had nobody there for me and was at the lowest point in my life and he was the only person i felt cared about me in that moment. i owe everything to Mr Riley.


ADHD and mental disabilities ones hot so close to home. I got diagnosed with ADHD a bit after the height of covid and was like “oh well not too bad” turns out my ADHD is a lot more severe than I thought, I’ve forced myself to try and hid all my little noise making urges as to not inconvenience others meanwhile I’m hyper aware of all the tiny noises they make and I’m pissed at them for it. They don’t hear all the tiny noise I do and it makes it so hard, the thing is I go to a wonderful and am basically set for the next fews years, it’d kill me if I had to leave for something more accessible. Plus one of my friends I’ve know for 8 years now goes there and I don’t want to loose all my other friends. The worlds fucked up but what can ya do
