Jordan Peterson: Breaking Bad

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"Yeah Mr. Peterson! Yeah Psychology!"


"You see, technically, psychology is the study of people, but I prefer to see it as the study of change".


That was the twist of the whole show - he wasn't a good man who became ruthless, he was a ruthless man who never had the conditions to apply his potential. That is one of the show's catchphrases 'apply yourself', and it's also symbolic of chemistry (which plays a big part in the show of course), you expose an element to conditions A and nothing happens, but if you expose that same element to conditions B it might produce a very violent reaction.


Bell rings- classmates get up to leave- "we're done"
Jordan Peterson- "we're done when I say we're done"


Listening to Jordan Peterson talk about breaking bad might be the coolest thing ever


"You end up in very bad places, one step at a time, so you better watch those steps"


Mr Peterson, you're goddamn right.


I feel bad for the people who hadnt watched breaking bad in that class


Way to explain Breaking Bad without spoiling anything at all 10/10


I spent so much time in school being taught about the third reich, and not a single soul there had learned anything about it. The general interpretation was just that those people where "bad men" and we were all "good men", who at most had to be careful that bad men would not magically rise to power again. Very frustrating.


What I love about breaking bad as a series is the realism. The vivid story yet, believable decisions of someone pushed too the edge. A real two sided piece of media


kids are lucky to have him as a professor!


Also I like how this is edited, so instead of just a 3 minute clip on breaking bad, it's also other relevant points within that lecture that connect without it being super long or parts that are off topic


Jordan Peterson's voice sounds like Saul's voice.


It's like hearing Saul Goodman talking about Walter White.


I want to forget bb and rewatch it once again


People misinterpret the fact Dr Peterson acknowledges ordinary people committed extraordinarily awful acts. Hes not condoning it, hes saying that its easy for human nature to pursue this path, and we should learn about it and therefore avoid it.


"If you're gonna make a soldier you got to get a soldier young"

Ain't that the God, Damn, truth.


No I am not in danger. I am the danger; now clean your room, bucko.


I just came to realize something interesting about good TV series. They confront us with our dark side.
In psychology there is a measurement of your bad persona, your shadow in Jungian terms.
It’s called the dark triade and states that we have three correlating bad traits make .
The three traits are psychotic beahviour, machiavellism and narcissism.
They can be useful for obvious reasons but can bring us in deep trouble and even make us less human.
These three traits are presented in 3 of my favorite series:

1. Narcissism in Breaking bad.
Walter White breaks bad after his big ego and his wasted potential and ultimately the cancer diagnosis made his shadow take over. He appears more and more ruthless and we see his alter Ego Heisenberg take over, resulting in him destroying everything he loved.

2. Machivellism in House of Cars
Frank Underwood knows how to become powerful. He is also incredibly ruthless but even more calculated and fascinating in his appearance. Power is his ultimate goal and he has no moral guidelines, but plays the game perfectly, manipulating and using everyone for his benefits.

3. Psychopathic behaviour in Dexter
Dexter is a killer who has no empathy towards other people. He can’t control his urge of killing people. This is due to his Childhood trauma where his mom got killed with a chainsaw in front of him. The cop who finds him and adopts him and tries to integrate him into society, but in the series Dexter shows to be a hopeless case. He is not capable of empathy and his relationships feel shallow. Dexter might even be the most tragic character here. Nonetheless, not being able to give up his urge and getting his loved ones killed he finally abandons his life and the series ends somewhat similarly tragic as the story of Walter White or as the story of house of cards probably would have ended.

We are fascinated by the power we experience by using our shadow to get what we want. These shows depict the kinda person we could be if we would let our shadow Take over and start being ruthless.
These three Shows are especially good in showing the good the Bad and the ugly that comes with our shadow.

These series are teaching us about morals and are even warning us to not behave like these characters, because their story never ends well.

Thanks for reading all of this. Do you agree with this? Feel free to add
