Importance of CD4 count in AIDS treatment | Infections in AIDS | Symptoms of AIDS 2022

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Hello दोस्तों,
मैं हूं स्मिता कुमार

AIDS का मतलब है acquired immune deficiency syndrome. इसको HIV का advanced या फिर later stage भी कहा जाता है| HIV, human immunodeficiency virus एक वायरस है जो हमारे शरीर के immune system पर attack करता है| यह वायरस शरीर के CD4 cells को destroy कर देता है| इस कारण हमारे शरीर का immune system weak हो जाता है और अन्य बीमारियों के risk को बढ़ा देता है|

India में 2.35 million people HIV से पीड़ित हैं| इनमें से 1.345 people ART receive कर रहे हैं| सन 2019 में 69,220 new HIV cases मिले हैं और 58,960 की HIV के कारण death हुई है| India में sexual transmission, HIV का main कारण है. तीन शहर जहां पर HIV सबसे ज्यादा prevalent है वह हैं - Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland. पर इन सब में अच्छी बात यह है कि India में HIV epidemic की growth अब slow down हो गई है| सन 2010 के बाद में new cases (27%) और HIV के कारण होने वाली death rate (56%) में तेजी से कमी आई है|
हर साल 1 दिसंबर को AIDS के प्रति जागरूकता फैलाने के लिए World AIDS Day मनाया जाता है, यह दिन HIV positive लोगों को support और encourage देने के लिए भी प्रोत्साहित करता है| HIV positive individual भी ART treatment के जरिए एक लंबी और अच्छी जिंदगी जी सकता है| India 2030 तक AIDS को समाप्त करने के लिए वचनबद्ध है|
Medicircle आपके पास लाता है right healthcare information सीधे experienced doctor’s और experts की जुबानी।
चलिए सुनते हैं directly specialist से जो कि इस बारे में latest information अपने पास रखते हैं|
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Hello Friends
I am Smita Kumar
AIDS stands for acquired immune deficiency syndrome. It’s also called advanced HIV infection or late-stage HIV. HIV stands for human immunodeficiency virus. HIV is a virus that attacks cells in the immune system (the body’s natural defense against illness). The virus destroys a type of white blood cell in the immune system called a T-helper cell or CD4 cell. It gradually weakens a person’s immune system.

India has the third-largest HIV epidemic with 2.35 million people living with HIV. Of this 1.345 million are receiving ART. There were 69,220 new HIV infections and 58,960 AIDS-related deaths reported in India in 2019. India’s HIV epidemic is driven by sexual transmission. The three states with the highest HIV prevalence, Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland, are in the east of the country. India’s HIV epidemic is slowing down. Between 2010 and 2017 new infections declined by 27% and AIDS-related deaths more than halved, falling by 56%.

World AIDS Day is celebrated every year on December 1 not only to spread awareness about the disease but also to remind the people and the governments that HIV has not gone away.

Medicircle brings to you more reliable information because it is direct from experts and doctors. Its authenticity and reliability are at its best.

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00:00 - Introduction
02:38 - About Dr Mitesh Suthar
03:29 - Symptoms of AIDS
04:57 - Susceptibility to infections
06:39 - Importance of CD4
10:59 - Treatments for AIDS
12:18 - Parting words

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Hello Dosto,
Mera naam Smita Kumar hai.
Aaj Hum sab "Health is Wealth" ka gehra matlab bahur acchi tarah se samajh chuke hai.
Isliye aapke aur aapke Loved ones ko Healthy rakhne ke liye hum Realiable aur Authentic information aapke paas lekar aate hai, seedhe doctors aur experts se.

Iske sath hi hum inspire karte hai Young India ko desh ke jane-mane Healthcare Entrepreneurs, Startups aur Change-Makers ki Journey showcase karke taaki youngsters ye ssekh sake ki life me successful hone ke kya secrets hai aur hum sab milkar kaise ek Self-Reliant India bana sakte hai.Hum apne channel par tarah-tarah ke medical conditions aur diseases se related information eminent aur experienced doctors ke video interviews ke through share karte hai.

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Thank you for watching! Do like the video & comment below if you benefit from this video.
00:18 - Introduction
02:38 - About Dr Mitesh Suthar
03:29 - Symptoms of AIDS
04:57 - Susceptibility to infections
06:39 - Importance of CD4
10:59 - Treatments for AIDS
12:18 - Parting words
