Kiefer Sutherland didn't need to be in MGSV.

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They could've at least given David Hayter a Solid Snake cameo! 😂

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How did you feel about Sutherland in MGSV?


I actually liked the concept Kiefer voicing Venom Snake. But I wish they would have had David voice the real Big Boss.


It just adds another layer to the "Venom Snake isn't the real Big Boss" twist, which I like.
It's just like using the Midge Ure version of "The Man Who Sold The World" instead of David Bowie's


Kieffer Sutherland played the tone that the game was going for, I do love David Hayter but Sutherland performed Venom Snake great and I'm glad to call him part of the MGS family


I actually enjoy Venom Snake being voiced by Sutherland but I would've enjoyed it even more if Hayter did his amazing performence as the real Big Boss in GZ and in TPP


Kiefer was also Sgt. Roebuck in Call Of Duty: World At War


people say that David Hayters voice wouldnt have the fit the tone for the game are just plain wrong. Hes a voice actor and a pretty good one at that. If the direction was to give a more realistic performance he was more than capable of doing so. It was literally just about getting that hollywood actor he wanted.


If David had voiced the single scene where we hear the real boss talk at the end, it would have been a huge “holy shit” moment to the audience. Missed opportunity IMO


he choosed him for facial expressions, which is basically whats mgs v all about, i mean the guy had probably a combined 3 minutes of dialogue ingame...
anyway, i love it!! he really nailed it just watch the " i wont scatter your sorrow to the heartless sea...." scene
he is big boss for me now, and david will always be solid ❤
father and son


Honestly I can get behind having Sutherland voice snake in mgsv, but only for mgsv. It makes sense to have him voice venom, since *spoiler* we aren't playing as the same snake/big boss/ naked snake that we were in previous titles. It's just slightly more realistic to have someone who is a body double sound a little different than regular snake. And of course, Sutherland's voice really helped in hiding the big twist at the end of the game. My only gripe is I wish the ending cutscene with the real big boss had Hayter voicing him instead, but it's understandable they didn't do it since Hayters voice is so iconic, we all would've seen the plot twist miles away if we heard Real snake being voiced by him.


I like both David and Kiefer. The way that I see it is that David is Solid Snake, and Naked Snake aka young Big Boss, then Kiefer is Venom Snake and Older Big Boss. Especially since Big Boss's voice does change as he got older. Like in MGS 4, David did not voice Big Boss at the end of the game.


This part belonged to Kurt Russell from the beginning.


I absolutely love Hayter as Snake. The way I look at it is that Sutherland’s Snake was just a body double and not the Snake we’re actually use to. So it kinda makes since to have a different voice actor.


To Me and My Brother, we loved David Hayter Performance of voicing both Solid Snake and Big Boss. We do love Kiefer Sutherland Performance as Venom Snake because of the Silence and always being Reminded of the things he done by Ocelot and Kazuhira Miller, which highlights that he is not the real Big Boss, but at least he was twice the man than Big Boss will ever be. We agree that David Hayter is always both Solid Snake and the Real Big Boss.


I always thought it was because venom snake wasn’t big boss or solid and was instead and entirely different character who took up the codename and mantle of snake after big boss left miller and the diamond dogs and went into hiding


I didn’t know who Keither Sutherland was until this MGSV controversy of abandoning the iconic voice of snake.


The belief I hold is that Sutherland is a perfect *Venom* snake

David is the perfect Naked snake

For phantom pain they should have had Naked actually be David for those few scenes he's in and keep Sutherland for Venom


The thing is…David is big boss and solid snake…he owned those roles with his voice acting skills and MGSV this venom snake or phantom snake isn’t snake at all he’s not even a clone he’s just a dude who was hypnotized into thinking he’s snake so choosing a different voice for venom snake was great but they should’ve kept David for the role of big boss…since he voiced that role before and it fits in the story too…solid snake was a perfect clone to big bass hence why I think big hood and solid snake shared that distinct voice and liquid and solidous snake were imperfect in my eyes…


I’m a huge Kiefer fan. 24 was my favorite show and I love his movies as well. That said, I don’t care if you’re Kiefer Sutherland or Jesus Christ himself, you DO NOT replace David Hayter as Snake.


At first I was mad when kiefer got the part and not David since David been Solid Snake for many years and also played as big boss. But when I loaded up ground zeros and phantom pain, I was very surprised and how good kiefers performance was in MGSV
