Pack With Me For My Photography Trip to Peru!!!

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🎙 Build and Bloom Podcast

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Wow How exciting! I hope you have a nice experience. I'll be looking forward to the video, have a nice trip ❤


If I get nervous about flying I just keep praying and thanking God for protecting me. Asking Him to look over the plane and that it would be in good condition and mechanically run smoothly and safely. If I experience turbulence I sometimes ask God to put the plane in the palm of His hand and to calm the air. There are all different ways of praying these things and I don’t always use these exact words. But it helps anxiety to put everything in God’s hands and He listens to everything you say…every detail so listing things in detail like that helps you and God likes to be personally involved in everything we do. You should try it when you fly. Just talk to God throughout the flight. You will be surprised how it helps and He really does stop the turbulence, etc. I’ve experienced Him doing that.
