School Refusal, School Truancy and Chronic Absences-Reducing Motivation to Escape(Series 15, Video 3

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This is the third video in a series discussing prevention and intervention on school refusal, school truancy, and chronic absenteeism. This video discusses steps to reduce a student's motivation to engage in school refusal and escape and avoidant behaviors.

These documents and corresponding resources were made possible in part through a partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Education - State Personnel Development Grant (OSDE-SPDG), the Oklahoma Parents Center (OPC), and Oklahoma Pediatric Therapy Center (OPTC). They are funded by a contract with the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) under a grant from the US Department of Education, H323A170008. Contents do not necessarily represent OSDE policy or the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Jennifer Coffey.
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Maybe it's just too much for some kids. Forcing them to do the work no matter what sounds like a great recipe to cause anxiety and resentment. Stop looking at children as objects to be molded. YOUR (and anyone elses') aims, no matter how well meaning, are yours alone. Children have their own will. It is ignored because it's inconvenient to accommodate them. Truancy won't be resolved by imposing your will on unwilling subjects. Forcing kids into environments they do not wish to be in, with people they do not wish to be with, doing things they do not wish to do IS the punishment, it is the elephant in the room. If you want to address truancy, address that.