School Refusal, School Truancy and Chronic Absences-Reducing Motivation to Escape(Series 15, Video 3

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This is the third video in a series discussing prevention and intervention on school refusal, school truancy, and chronic absenteeism. This video discusses steps to reduce a student's motivation to engage in school refusal and escape and avoidant behaviors.
These documents and corresponding resources were made possible in part through a partnership with the Oklahoma Department of Education - State Personnel Development Grant (OSDE-SPDG), the Oklahoma Parents Center (OPC), and Oklahoma Pediatric Therapy Center (OPTC). They are funded by a contract with the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE) under a grant from the US Department of Education, H323A170008. Contents do not necessarily represent OSDE policy or the policy of the US Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Jennifer Coffey.
Emotionally-based school avoidance: a parent’s experience
When Kids Refuse To Go To School | Child Mind Institute
Getting Ready: How to Help Your Child Overcome School Refusal or School Phobia
A Marion family's journey with school refusal
How do I help? School Refusal
Emotionally-based school avoidance: working with parents and carers
Social Anxiety Causing School Refusal Numbers To Rise
SCHOOL AVOIDANCE ('REFUSAL') | What is (and isn’t) emotionally based school avoidance?
School refusal tips
School Refusal, School Truancy, and Chronic Absenteeism - Series Overview (Series 15, Video 1)
School Refusal, School Truancy, and Chronic Absenteeism - Barriers to Attendance (Series 15, Video 4
Emotionally Based School Avoidance – A Project in Oxfordshire
School Refusal, School Truancy, and Chronic Absenteeism - Strategies for Parents (Series 15, Video 2
VPC Ep32 School Refusal and Truancy with guest Dr Glenn Melvin
How Can Therapists Help Children with School Refusal? Mona Delahooke, PhD
But I Don't Wanna go to School! Strategies for Addressing School Avoidance (2018)
School Refusal, Anxiety, and Special Education Supports
When Children Refuse School
SENDIASS Workshop - School attendance and fines
Webinar: Consequences & Interventions For School Refusal Students
School avoidance and refusal: Rogers Webinar May 2023
School Anxiety & Attendance Challenges for High School Professionals: Webinar Recording
Understanding emotionally based school avoidance webinar
School Refusal, School Truancy and Chronic Absences-Reducing Motivation to Escape(Series 15, Video 3