Who is Going to Stand in the Gap || School of the Prophets Hayley Braun Sermon Clip

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In this clip from School of the Prophets 2024 Hayley Braun preached a powerful message on the need for us to stand in the gap. As Hayley points out, the challenge of entering a new era is the tension many people experience when they mistake discomfort for being outside the will of God. The truth is that glory to glory doesn’t mean easy to easier, rather it is an invitation to lay down our lives so that He can raise us up.

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About Kris Vallotton:
Kris Vallotton is the Senior Associate Leader of Bethel Church, Redding, and is the Co-Founder of Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry (BSSM) and Spiritual Intelligence Institute. He is also the Founder and President of Moral Revolution and a sought-after international conference speaker. Kris and his wife, Kathy, have trained, developed, and pastored prophetic teams and supernatural schools all over the world.
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He is raising up prophets who will speak solutions to governments, schools, business, etc.


Jesus Christ is Lord ❤his blood speaks a better word than blood of Abel ✝️ 🙏


The Holy Spirit, so our Beloved Helper. Acts 2


What a powerful word! The LORD drew me to Psalms 133:2 and was speaking to me about the annointing oil. I love how the Lord pieces things together for us. Dying to live (our choices, our will which is exchanging ours for HIS, our desires, our goals, our plans) is so powerful. It's the seed that falls and dies to produce something new and fruitful. I have seen that play out in my life in so many ways. There is tension, there is a choice to surrender to the leading of the LORD or go the way of men. It is stretching and beautiful and enriching and miraculous, but YOU need to prepare before you go through it. When you walk through the fire, HE will be with you. I have found this to be true over the last 7 years, but especially the last 4 years. I am not who I was, I am seasoned, stronger, and walking in truth. GOD is training our hands for war, preparing us with HIS truth, and sending us forth to carry out HIS testimony and glory for the praise and glory of HIS name. All eyes will see and KNOW that HE is GOD and there is no one like HIM.


Right on time in multiple dimensions simultaneously! 🙏🏽🎉


Amen!!! Great blessing to our lives ❤❤❤❤❤


Hayley, thank you for the amazing boot camp in 2022 you did with Kris Vallonton in 2022 to draw me closer to God. I am praying for you all. I know you are about to experience greater acts and miracles from the Holy Spirit.


Glory to God!! Amen to this message Halay!!


What a word!

This had to be released. Thank you!

This inspired me as I was contemplating, so I write my thoughts.
"For such a time as this, many are being placed into the press for a fresh squeeze. The question is, what will you release? Pure oil or something that needs to be refined?
Do the refining now because it is possible. It looks like spending time in the Word as well as in prayer and His presence."


So true, 📖🏹🗡🛡my sister, this is us.🎉❤ Isaiah 58 through 61.
And they will taste and see that the Lord is good.🌬🔥☄️


Covered in the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit


Thank you for this deep and impacting Word. I believe.


Yes, Jesus! From glory to glory, death to life.


Amen Amen n Amen.
Truly Powerful Prophetic Word In Season.
May the Lord bless U Sister.
Blessings from Pune India.


So powerful! Thank you Kris for making sure this went out. So comforting as what God has said in private is now being made public and adds to what I have gotten. Thank you Lord for speaking to us… now let us STAND and BE your messengers!


Powerful preach! Thanks for sharing ! This ministered to me 💛✝️


I am learning how to be a greater friend in this season. Prophetic reports training was great as well. Many right on words which have led me to a leadership role I am going through final training on with God.


Bethel is being brought back to me on the other side of our great nation
Great message. Random algorithm…. some days I leave YT on autoplay so my brain doesn’t catch on fire and to straighten out the conversations, again, ha!

Edited to delete most. TMI. And again I thank you.


Solutions for government, authorities, and just causes of involvements.


Wow… this is great confirmation for me. Not only has He been showing me visions of mostly things related to fire, he showed me the oil too.

I will very humbly and almost unwillingly say that I am a prophet of God. I don’t like the title, I’m a servant full of flaws and I fail Him so much. But this is truth and it must be told. So, here’s a small part of what He’s shown me. He’s told me a lot of things in the last 10 months.

I was praying right before leaving for church one Sunday. While I was praying, He took me to a place. It look similar to a Roman courtyard. As I was standing at the edge of it, I could see Jesus with a flaming sword and He was putting it down the mouth of a person standing in front of Him. Then Jesus turned around and started to go up the steps to a platform. We He started to go up, I was the one walking behind Him. I walked up to two large clay pots. I knew to dip my arms into the pots. Then I’m back at the edge of the courtyard and my hands and almost up to my elbows were flaming fire.

Then I’m back at the bottom of the steps and Jesus is walking towards me. As He’s standing to my right, a screen or portal thing opens in front of me. Kinda like a tv with no frame or screen, it’s just there. Inside the rectangle tv looking thing is a lady facing me. Then I see my arm going forward and Jesus let me know to tap my fingers on her mouth. As I tapped her mouth, a ring of fire went all around her mouth. That was the end of the vision.

The other visions of fire are the people catching on fire, the Holy Ghost fire. An awesome move of God. Limbs growing back and the blind getting healed is what I saw in this particular vision.

He’s said a lot during this time. He told me 3x, “My son, my son, tell my people I’m coming!!!”
