Porsche 911 992 Carrera S REVIEW POV Test Drive on AUTOBAHN & ROAD by AutoTopNL

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Porsche 911 992 Carrera S REVIEW POV Test Drive on AUTOBAHN & ROAD by AutoTopNL

UK: Auto-Top is an honest and pure car filming and testing company. We're not interested in eco & green (unless it's like, really superfast). Screaming exhausts, whining superchargers and blowing turbo's is what we want to hear! We review all sorts of performance cars. In the different playlists you can enjoy exhaust sounds, acceleration tests (0-100, 0-200) with launch control, onboard cams and the revving sound of each car. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans. We have it all!

DE: Wir nehmen alle möglichen leistungsstarken Autos unter die Lupe. In den verschiedenen Playlists könnt ihr ausreizende Sounds genießen, Beschleunigungstests (0-100, 0-200) mit Startkontrolle, onboard-Kameras und den hochtourigen Sound der Autos. Exotische Autos, sportliche Kompaktwagen und kraftvolle Limousinen. Wir haben sie alle!

FR: A travers les différentes playlists, vous pourrez apprécier des bruits d’échappements, des tests d’accélérations (0- 100, 0-200), des caméras embarquées ainsi que le son à l’accélération des voitures. Des voitures de rallyes aux berlines surpuissantes en passant par des bolides hors-norme...nous avons tout ce qu’il vous faut !

PL: Testujemy i oceniamy samochody - w naszych playlistach posłuchasz dźwięku silników, obejrzysz testy
przyspieszenia (0-100, 0-200) z launch control, kamerami wewnątrz kabiny i wibrującym dźwiękiem każdego
samochodu. Egzotyczne auta, hothatch, sportowe sedany - znajdziesz je wszystkie tutaj!

IT: Facciamo recensioni su ogni tipo di auto da performance. Nelle nostre diverse playlist troverai suoni di marmitte, test di accelerazione (0-100, 0-200) con controllo di lancio, camere onboard e il suono unico di ogni auto. Exotic cars, hothatches, power sedans.. Ce le abbiamo tutte!

ES: Auto-Top es una empresa de pruebas y grabación de coches sincera. No estamos interesados en la ecología. Tubos de escape rugiendo y motores echando humo, es todo lo que nos interesa oir! Hacemos reviews de todo tipo de coches. En las listas de reproducción podéis encontrar desde sonidos del ultramundo hasta tests de aceleración (0-100, 0-200), cámaras a bordo de los coches, hasta el sonido de aceleración de cada coche. Coches exóticos, coches compactos, deportivos. Lo tenemos todo!
Рекомендации по теме

12:50 drives 300kmh but still checks his mirrors when changing lanes, thats the autobahn folks xD


driving 320km/hr with this car is more comfortable then sleeping in your bed


Man I love your POV's, no cuts or fancy shit in the video, everything all true to itself, and you are very genuine as well! That's for sure a dream job, keep it up, Max!!


7:18 that was awesome. No car reviewer ever had balls to do that on a public road :D


Max is such a legend, so passionate about what he does, he truly deserves this amazing job


This guy is crazy, he is talking normaly while riding 320km/h xD


One of the best Channels on YouTube. Big thank you to Max for bringing us great content on a consistent basis. Straightforward, simple reviews without any unnecessary editing or music.


Porsche: It will do 0-100 in 3.5 seconds and 308 km/h
Also Porsche: Does 3.35 to 100 and 322 km/h :D


Max going to the dealer *
Max : can I take the car for a test drive alone
Dealer : go slow ok
Max : 100%
* 5 min later *


Max, I actually watched this video twice! I love the way the Carrera S is so planted at super high speeds without being twitchy or darting about. It is actually a magnificent achievement by the chassis engineers. This is definitely now my dream car, although I am still partial to the Targa body style, over the coupe. Magnificent! Thanks again, Max!


By far, my favorite 992 review! As an American, I have been into muscle cars for ages. However, a few years ago, I sat and then drove (then bought) a Panamera Turbo and was hit by the light, and now understand why Porsche and German performance cars are the best. I am at the point where I no longer need the four seats and doors of my 971 and want a 992. Isn't it exciting to be researching for such a purchase? Yes, yes, it is hahaha,


I pronounce this the best car review in the universe.


Imagine how fast the turbo models would be


WOW, thank you Max for the nice videos, I'm absolutely obsessed! Cheers Mate


Fantastisches Video! Ein absoluter Traumwagen...der neue Porsche 911 ist die perfekte Synthese aus Sport, Fun und Alltag.


finally they decided to enter old school porsche philosophy in new models...Thats a great step for Porsche.. ; -)


This is hands down the best video I have seen on this channel so far! Maybe is because I love this "Pura Sangre" from Porsche and relate to your enthusiasm as well.


it has less wind noise at 200mph than my car at 80mph. also appreciate how you still get out of the passing lane at over 300kmh lol


This is pretty much how I'd spec a new Carrera S. Gentian Blue, sport exhaust, Sport Chrono. The only thing I'd change is the interior color to Mojave Beige to compliment the blue paint.


@13:09, he checks the left lane while going 290km/h, because it’s the autobahn! You never know, there might be an F-26 fighter jet on the left lane. 🤣
