BEST OF Accidents, Hit And Run, Road Rage, Bad Drivers, Brake Check, Instant Karma | USA CANADA 2023

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⚫ Links to the original videos:
4. Anonymous - --- ( )
5. Good Citizen - --- Spokane, WA )
7. Zrathis - --- ( Burnsville MN )
8. Gary - --- ( )
9. u/smolpeepy - --- Happened a while ago. Guy that turned acted injured and blamed the other guy until cops showed up and i showed video ( )
11. u/TARDIS37379 - --- My wife was hit by an idiot running from the popo. ( Evansville, Indiana )
15. u/princejp123321 - --- Someone Tokyo Drifted into the guard rails on my way to work. ( )
19. fobbitses - --- ( Shoreline, Washington )
20. u/Discount_Engineer - --- Today I was the idiot. I hydroplaned shortly after it started raining and I ended up in the ditch. ( )
23. Crazzys - --- ( Spokane, WA )
24. Precision Flooring - --- ( Truckee, CA )
25. u/Gman2k4 - --- Another accident same intersection ( )
26. Hummerguy - --- ( Brockton, MA )
28. SkyDaddy69 - --- ( Carrollton, TX )
29. u/Artist_child - --- Fish hatchery on to the frontage road, people be trippin. If you turn the volume up you can get the honk then hit ( )
30. u/FROOMLOOMS - --- This happened in front of me today. Winnipeg ( )
31. u/kifinho - --- This happened on my way home from work today. Who's the idiot here? ( )
32. u/SlicerStopSlicing - --- Three Hell’s Angels do some lane-splitting. ( )
33. Leith - --- ( Arlington, VA )
34. Russell5150 - --- ( I-10, Houston, Texas )
35. u/ZappsWorld - --- Tesla hits minivan attempting to turn right from the center lane and argues that he hit her car. ( Detroit, MI )
36. Markie - --- ( Los Angeles )
39. Anonymous2
40. Man Pretty - --- ( I-270, Rockville, MD )
41. Sean - --- ( Longs, SC )
42. Wrecking Ball - --- ( Southern Utah )
44. ActualSighs - --- ( Fort Pierce, Florida )
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⚫ Intro song:
My Country - Ben Bostick