Family Law is a Career with Meaning & Purpose

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What is a Day in the Life of a Family Lawyer really like "in the trenches?" What do family lawyers do on a daily basis? Is family law a good career? What are the benefits of being a family lawyer? Reasons to be a family lawyer. Recruiting. This video is for any lawyer, law student, paralegal, or legal assistant thinking about a career in family law. Family law paralegals' duties and legal assistants' duties often mirror that of family law attorneys. My advice and career insights here are very similar for all involved. Many of the exact same skills are required. Not so much about a job description for family law attorneys, paralegals, and legal assistants, as it is about the "why" you should think about a career in family law.

This is my argument why a career in family law has meaning and purpose. I love practicing family law. It's all I do. For over 25 years, I have given a great deal of my energy to helping others. Plus, I've been very active with the ABA Family Law Section and have enjoyed the privilege of getting to know some of the best family lawyers in America on a very personal basis. Sure, there are lots of ups and downs. I don't regret a minute. The struggle has provided me with very unique life experiences. Sometimes, I refer to a career in family law as living "life concentrate." We get a unique perspective on life, love, law, money and what to do when things go terribly wrong.

Dedicating your practice to family law will open up many opportunities to make a difference in people's lives. Start by learning to reduce family conflict. Attorneys are in a lead position to help reduce conflict. Cases involving domestic violence, abuse, or bullying require special care.

Learn to communicate effectively. Improve your verbal communication skills and people skills. Learn about mental illness, too. Show you care. Be encouraging but realistic.

Get the client to set goals. It's tough, but necessary. Don't lose your objectivity. Find the balance between kindness to someone in distress and providing legal advice. In settlement negotiations, we expect parties to give their best efforts. And that's usually what happens.

Learn resilience. Knowing that losing a custody case can be devastatingly painful for a lawyer and the legal team. Always remember why clients come to you for assistance.

Learn the craft of practicing family law. Study pension law. Never stop reading, learning, and exploring the “dark corners” of your knowledge. Younger attorneys should work at developing professional relationships with lawyers you respect and trust. Before committing to a career in family law, consider volunteering.

Dedicating your energy to pursue a career in family law can be amazingly rewarding. If you end up make a comfortable living, be sure to give back with your time and money.
Do your best to leave the profession better than when you found it. I hope you love family law as much as I do.

#FamilyLaw #meaning #MilesMason
Рекомендации по теме

This video is so thorough. It doesn’t hold back on letting the audience know even the hard aspects of family law. I love how they even said layperson instead of layman.


This is the best video on what it takes and what to expect to become a family lawyer


I love how he sipped his drink at the end. Genuinely a good, smart man, and a bad a** . Thanks for inspiring me


Family law, attorneys rock says as a ancestor you guys are doing a marvelous job. Keep up the great work and don’t forget to add the 101 steps to make it forgery prove crime free.


Thank you very much.. i am a 4th year student in a 5 year bachelors law degree.. i am interrsted in family law, specifically child protection and support..


This video is absolutely amazing, thank you so much Miles!


Answers he has power of attorney and he doesn't need to tell anybody where my mother is


I only did an internship without classes at first and I got 50/80 on a state test that's a big thing I think


Im a social worker in dv interesting how skills over lap


I want to know if you can help me with this dilemma dad will not tell me where my mother is there anybody and the police is no help


I told you in real life you and I play golf! Attorney General in real life of the United States of America


In real life? He's normal Eric and Ty's and Alisa and Lylas lawyer because he IS one! Eric and Ty


Family law is an enterprise for lawyers that will not own up to the damage that it causes. Start with all the murder/suicides, talk to all the men who are just BANK no matter what the circumstances and are pushed financially underwater without ever really seeing the children that they are paying for.
Once they are done with you in court you are now attached to a collections agency in the guise of a government agency that has already tapped into money that you did not know about. Loan sharks are more lenient on late payments. When you talk to the collectors you learn that they can't do anything for your case you have to go back to court and pay the enterprise again.
WARNING! Family law makes marriage and having children legally and financially dangerous. Use this as modern birth control and think twice. It could mean financial ruin or worse.


My life has been stolen by family law attorneys and my ex husband and his lawyer wife. :(


Family law attorneys take the position due only to the lopsided-sided rules giving the law industry the couple’s money, usually the dad’s. Family law is NOT covered under the Constitution. Families are shredded because of these attorneys. Notice this guy uses “abuse” as his main go to… but doesnt speak to the fact that abuse is a small percentage of the reason for divorce. Attorneys instruct women to use this tactic even though not true. Family court is one of the main reasons dads committed suicide. Look at the stats showing how many dads are forced to pay support for their wife’s boyfriend’s child or children. Lawyers and elected people created laws that keep dads from our children and our rights as parents. Family law is a crime against humanity


I asked all of you in real life, are any of you really lawyers? Attorney General of the United States of America in real life


The kind of people that practice family law.... scumbags. End video.


I have a questions please if i may.
My wife coerced me by fear of divorce and tricked me into leaving the US part way through a visa application 1 week after my daughters birthday. I had signed my daughter as a US citizen born abroad 10 months prior and moved to the US as a family doing my visa from within the country. We lived in the UK for 2 years together.
I'm a UK citizen, wife is US citizen.
She was the only person who ever dealt with the immigration lawyer on my behalf. I never once spoke to them myself until a later date.
I later found out she was supposedly cheating on me over there in PA, to note. To which I was catching onto and questioning it after seeing all the signs; but could not prove that there and I'm pretty sure now, that was the reason for my removal, before her exposure.
Turned out it was her brothers best friend and or family friend.
She had asked me for a divorce 2 weeks prior; and a week prior to me going. However, we talked, and both agreed...a plan to fix things. Aparently.
She informed me that I was able to go and come back into the US and had contacted them to check, and was ok to do so.
We both signed a contract or signed letter saying that if i left on sabatical, time apart for a break, when I came back, things would be ok as she had been terrible, distant and really abusive for months prior and I was willing to do that for a few months, to save our marraige and family.
She broke it off 2 weeks into me being in the UK, 2 hours after putting me into a group chat with her x. Blamed it on my daughter. From the 2nd day I already started to panic as she wasn't really trying.
After that, I contacted the lawyer to come back and was informed that she never even notified him or even asked any questions if did considering it's importantance. It was totally pre meditated.
Lawyer is refusing to provide me with exact communications at this time, however i still have that email saying they wasn't informed. I thought by PA state law they must retain that all for 5 years. Wheh i contacted the lawyer to come back, instead of trying to resolve it, she stopped it dead by telling him we were separated. Visa route then cancelled, even petition route.
I now have a 3 year ban from the US alienated from my child.
She has now moved to florida with her older sister.
I have evidence of messages prior to leaving showing our conversations, I have the so say contract, I have emails from the lawyer stating that she never notified him, that she killed off my visa route, evidence of said group chat, and I have messages from that date to now; of her being absolutely inhumane thereafter. It has been horrendous all the while I have tried and done all the right things to sort things out and look after my daughter. My mental and physical health has been obliterated and so has my relationship with my daughter by this. I have been in hospital from heart issues from stress, also a mental health practitioner still ongoing.
I have still despite this, made sure i have sent money over every month for my daughter. Much more than I can afford if I'm honest. However I have asked for documentation to prove her said expenses as I cannot trust her after that, but despite asking weekly for months, she thought it acceptable to provide me nothing but wallmart screenshots, a self made list on messenger and a screen shot of half a screen and has been trying to extort me for her exadurated and demanded amount of money totally disregarding anything she has done, my now finacial situations and ny health, or her behaviour in all this at all. She is now sending me divorce papers, custody papers and child support papers along with her audacity some time soon.
I believe her to be mentally unstable to do such a thing. Who does that to the other parent after sacrafices i have made? I now at this time, believe her to be a malignant narcissist as she has been extremely violent and abusive to me in the past and she has done nothing but gaslight me, and has completely disenfranchised me of my child and visa and has shown absolutely no apathy whatsoever with anything. It's really sick and upsetting. She's done that to a baby not just me. I let the abuse go for years because i love her. Still do sadly but i'm now starting to break the trauma bond that was really pinning me down. It has been extremely confusing and heartbreaking that she's done this considering I was a model husband and father there. I honestly was. Everyone else is confused aswell but have done nothing. But recently, i was informed by several opinions; why she's done all this without remorse. Most likley the aforementioned condition, sadly of a very concerning NPD issue. This is not acceptable on my daughter, or myself. I can prove everything I've said with evidence of all but I'm not sure what to do. Im genuinely scared and I really need help with this please.
Do you pr anyone have any advice please. Thank you.
