Best DNA Test for Genealogy

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I did ancestry in 2018 but curious about my heritage and 23 and me. Nice to know about newer companies as well! Thanks for uploading this video!!!


In Subsaharan Africa, most people keep track of their lineages by listing their forefathers names. Most of us don't have surnames, but our villagenames could be equal to that. So I hope those companies will consider thinking about that.


The music in the back didn't let me concentrate. Please use it lower next time 😅 I love your videos by the way.


Last month I bought one for my mommy and this month I bought one for my daddy, I am pretty sure I will never regret it :) I love genealogy


LivingDNA covers the UK & Ireland, England is but one country within the UK. Their test as well as showing my English & Irish DNA, also picked up on my Cornish, Scottish & Welsh DNA.


That's a very very good job. If Ancestry would get over their squeamishness over customers' accidentally finding information that might disturb them, they could give us access to how our matches match one another. This is their stated inhibition about providing that. I don't really understand it as customers already see their own matches directly. If they are worried about "embarrassing" results being seen by strangers, I'd say only the person affected knows whether a match is unexpected or implies something they'd rather keep secret. It's hard to discuss. I guess from what you have said, Ancestry will never move into real DNA analysis tools for customers. As far a genealogy is concerned, though, Ancestry cannot be outstripped by any of the other DNA testing companies. In my experience, My Heritage is very costly.


Thanks for the breakdown! My son gave me Ancestry as a gift minus the DNA and I was truly wondered which I should choose!


Ancestry is # 1 for me because of the size of the database. I was able to use my DNA matches and many other cousin's DNA matches and discover our 4th great grandparents on a brick wall line. You simply can't do that with any of the other sites.


An excellent in depth review of the 5 sites. Like most things in life there is no one perfect site that covers all the bases. The data bases are still just a drop in the ocean at this point, I can only imagine how much more data we'll have in another 20 years- probably too much to manage and therefore a whole suite of filters will be required to make sense of it all! This has been really useful as there are several tools on My Heritage that I appear to have overlooked so I'm about to take a deep dive. Thanks


As someone of 100% UK/north-west European heritage, I really like LivingDNA for the county breakdown. The counties match what I know in my tree. But I would also rank it in 5th position. It's my understanding that the company developed out of a major academic genetic study being run by one of their universities. As someone who is not American I find the matches at 23&Me absolutely useless (and hardly anyone provides names for effective matching) and would rank it 4th, well before FamilyTree DNA.


I’m sure you’re familiar with Family History Fanatics.
Andy gave his annual review of the top 5 and for 2021, his company order was exactly the same as this.

I didn’t know about the X Chromosome feature in the works.
That will be great for the Fan Tree (you didn’t mention that feature)
Since X inheritance can only be along certain paths, to combine the path on a Fan Tree could really help see a visual picture when doing research.
Great review.


Excellent reviews, thank you. I’ve worked on my tree off & on since the 70s. I did Ancestry, 23&me, familyTreeDNA, None have helped me further/grow my tree. The matches are mostly with less than 3% shared DNA.


Nice video!
I’ve tested with ancestry and uploaded to the other main sites which allow uploads. MyHeritage is a favourite of mine also, especially for the Chromosome browser and the fact that they lift matches by country. I’m mostly of British isles origin with a small amount of Germanic heritage and this combination of features has allowed me to find distant continental European cousins and how we might be related from way back in the day. I also loved their genetic groups feature, but I did get 10 groups with MyHeritage compared to only 2 with ancestry, so I’m a bit biased; I imagine ancestry only allocated people communities if they have a high degree of confidence.
Hopefully MyHeritage will provide an ethnicity update soon: with a solid database of around 6 million users now, combined with a large amount of users from Europe; the British Isles, and the ‘new world’ English speaking countries, I feel like they would now have the potential to provide a very strong ethnicity estimate. Hopefully we’ll hear something soon. I think if Ancestry, MyHetitage and 23 & me combine we’d have the perfect site. If only data linkage could be a thing 😁


I would put MyHeritage third. It doesn't do much good to have the DNA tools when you don't have the matches. I wonder if more people would use it for DNA if the genealogy aspect was better.


I did Ancestry in 2016 and 23andMe in 2022.


Very comprehensive, thank you very much!


For strictly genealogy, I prefer Ancestry. For DNA I really like my results on MyHeritage because since I’m a quarter Alaska native, MyHeritage includes 7% Inuit to my 22.7 Mesoamerican. And since I’m native from Alaska it’s only logical that they specify that I’m part Inuit. And I actually have a distant DNA match who is 100% Eskimo.


The biggest problem with 23 and Me is that most people are there just to get the Ethnicity info or to participate in some study. I've gotten very few people over there willing to exchange info or even respond. I also find Ancestry to be superior to my Heritage in a number of ways. There are far more open trees on Ancestry than there are on My Heritage which makes it much easier to figure out the relationship. I find the Auto cluster thing to be only good if you know who the shared ancestor is and that's impossible to know if you can't view the trees of the others.


Excellent video! I'd like to see you expand this list to include CRI Genetics and TellmeGen tests.


Ancestry has added some great features and it correlates with 23&me. As for MyHeritage, I'm not so sure about my result's accuracy.
