QGIS Fill sinks (wang & Liu) not working, using Saga GIS instead

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This is "How I used Saga GIS to save time"
I don't know what is the problem and where it comes from (win 10), but this is not the first time the plugin does not work in QGIS. So I used Saga GIS, I have no time to figure out what kind of .sdat problem this is. It has accured in QGIS versions 3.16-3.22.
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I don't know what is the problem and where it comes from (win 10), but this is not the first time the plugin does not work in QGIS. So I used Saga GIS, I have no time to figure out what kind of .sdat problem this is. It has accured in QGIS versions 3.16-3.22.
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