QGIS Fill sinks (wang & Liu) not working, using Saga GIS instead

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This is "How I used Saga GIS to save time"

I don't know what is the problem and where it comes from (win 10), but this is not the first time the plugin does not work in QGIS. So I used Saga GIS, I have no time to figure out what kind of .sdat problem this is. It has accured in QGIS versions 3.16-3.22.

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Рекомендации по теме

O algoritmo fill não está funcionando nem no grass nem no SAGA. E quando segui este passo a passo, a página do SAGA não me permitia configurar as opções apresentadas no minuto 1:28 do vídeo. Sigo sem conseguir usar a ferramenta


How can you import grid system from QGIS bro ?


Firstly, thank you very much for the useful video!
I could follow all the process you propose except for the last part: introducing the DEM without sinks in Qgis. Do you introduce the archive .sdat directly or do you do convert it first to another format? I do not see anything when I introduce that file ("DEM no sinks".sdat) in qgis


your video skips most of the steps, u didn't even bothered explain how you obtained the .sdat files from the saga, and u didn't explain how to import the dem file to saga


in the grid system i dont have other choices, do you know why ?
