The OTHER AI Alignment Problem: Mesa-Optimizers and Inner Alignment

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This "Alignment" thing turns out to be even harder than we thought.

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The Simpsons Season 5 Episode 19: "Sweet Seymour Skinner's Baadasssss Song"

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Рекомендации по теме

This reminds me of a story. My father was very strict, and would punish me for every perceived misstep of mine. He believed that this would "optimize" me towards not making any more missteps, but what it really did is optimize me to get really good at hiding missteps. After all, if he never catches a misstep of mine, then I won't get punished, and I reach my objective.


"Ok, I'll do the homework, but when I grow up, I'll buy all the toys and play all day long!" - some AI


Mesa Optimizer: "I have determined the best way to achieve the Mesa Objective is to build an Optimizer"


I think one of the many benefits of studying AI is how much it's teaching us about human behaviour.


At the start of the video, I was keen to suggest that maybe the first thing we should get AI to do is to comprehend the totality of human ethics, then it will understand our objectives in the way we understand them. At the end of the video, I realised that the optimal strategy for the AI, when we do this, is to pretend to have comprehended the totality of human ethics, just so as to escape the classroom.


"It's... alignment problems all the way down"


The first thought that came to mind when I finished the video is how criminals/patients/addicts would fake a result that their control person wants to see only to go back on it as soon as they are released from that environment. It's a bit frightening to think that if humans can outsmart humans with relative ease what a true AI could do.


13:13 _"... but it's learned to want the wrong thing."_
like, say, humans and sugar?


"Just solving the outer alignment problem might not be enough."

Isn't this what basically happens when people go to therapy but have a hard time changing their behaviour?
Because they clearly can understand how a certain behaviour has a negative impact on their lives (they're going to therapy in the first place), and yet they can't seem to be able to get rid of it.
They have solved the outer alignment problem but not the inner alignment one.


It is also interesting to think about this problem in the context of organizations. When organization is trying to "optimize" employee's performance by introducing KPIs in order to be "more objective" and "easier to measure", it actually gives mesa-optimizers (employees) an utility function (mesa-objective) that is guaranteed to be misaligned with base objective.


"When I read this paper I was shocked that such a major issue was new to me. What other big classes of problems have we just... not though of yet?"
Terrifying is the word. I too had completely missed this problem, and fuck me it's a unit. There's no preventing unknown unknowns, knowing this we need to work on AI safety even harder.


Base optimizer: Educate people on the safety issues of AI
Mesa-optimizer: Make a do-do joke


"Deceptive misaligned mesa-optimiser" - got to throw that randomly into my conversation today! Or maybe print it on a T-Shirt. :-)


This video should be tagged with [don't put in any AI training datasets]


"Plants follow simple rules"
*laughs in we don't even completely understand the mechanisms controlling stomatal aperture yet, while shoots are a thousand times easier to study than roots"


Once you started talking about gradient descent finding the Wikipedia article on ethics and pointing to it, I thought the punchline of that example would be the mesa-optimizer figuring out how to edit that article.


Sorry I couldn't join the Discord chat. Just wanted to say that this presentation did a good job of explaining a complex idea. It certainly gave me something to chew on. The time it takes to do these is appreciated.


Let's call it a mesa-optimizer because calling it a suboptimizer is suboptimal.


As I watched your channel
I thought "alignment problem is hard but very competent people are working on it"
I watched this latest video
I thought "that AI stuff is freakish hardcore"


Now we add a third optimizer to maximize the alignment and call it metaoptimizer. This system is guaranteed to maximize confusion!
