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Sound like a native speaker - replace these overused words in your English!

Today, I am going to teach you what are some overused words in English and what are the alternatives that you can use to sound more like a native speaker.

(1) ANGRY. The word “angry” is far too general to effectively convey the idea and intention behind it. A wife may be angry at her husband. And victims of crime may be angry at criminals. But aren’t there better ways to more exactly express this strong emotion?
Alternatives: annoyed, cross, displeased, furious, offended, etc.

(2) OTHER. The word “other” is applicable to basically any situation where you’re trying to figure something out with a person. You can ask for “any other suggestions,” solicit “other opinions,” or ask someone for “other times” that work for them.
Alternatives: alternative (times), further (suggestions), different (opinions)

(3) ANSWER. This word is both a verb and a noun. When used as a verb (e.g. ‘to answer my research question’) you could also use terms like ‘address’ and ‘resolve’. When used as a noun (e.g. ‘the answer to this dilemma’), good alternatives include ‘solution’ and ‘explanation’.

(4) LITERALLY. “Literally” refers to the most basic, straightforward meaning of something—as in, the opposite of “figuratively.” So, if you say “I was literally drowning in paperwork,” that means your body really was submerged in a pile of papers. If that’s not truly what happened, but you feel you must intensify your statement, try “positively” or “absolutely,” which add emphasis without making it seem as if your life was in danger.

(5) MORE. “More” is one of those catchall terms. In some cases, “more” can mean the same thing as “other.” Sometimes, this is just the most accurate word to use, so don’t worry too much about trying to get this one out of rotation. Check out “other” for some alternatives.
Alternatives: additional (perspectives), incremental (improvements), greater (context)

(6) NICE. Oh, how nice! But overusing this word is not. When describing people, authors may prefer you to translate with more exact words like attractive, charming, cordial, delightful, etc.

(7) DESCRIBE. When referring to the work of others you might draw upon their written descriptions. Substitute words for ‘describe’ include ‘portray’, ‘characterize’ and ‘report’.

(8) USE. If describing an experiment you’ll need to identify the methods used. As well as ‘use’, terms which can be helpful here include ‘utilize’, ’employ’, ‘apply’ and ‘adopt’.

(9) HARD. You could swap “hard” (in the sense of “requiring considerable physical or mental effort”) for “demanding,” “arduous,” “onerous,” “grueling,” “exacting,” “laborious,” “challenging,” or plain old “difficult.”

(10) MANY. “Many” may seem like a go-to option when referring to an indeterminate group of things. But if you have an idea of the volume of what you’re talking about, it’s better to narrow it down.
Alternatives: multitude, handful, numerous, thousands, etc.

(11) ABLE. Next time you want to ask someone if they’ll “be able” to do something, use another phrase.
Alternatives: manage, handle, support

(12) BAD. Maybe “bad” doesn’t cut it when you’re trying to express how you feel about the movie you saw last night. Was it subpar, lousy? Take your pick!

(13) HAPPY. There’s a word for every shade on the happiness spectrum. If you’re feeling happy, that could mean you’re pleased, cheerful, delighted, thrilled, ecstatic—the list goes on.

(14) UNIQUE.
To indicate that something differs from the norm, try another word such as “exceptional,” “distinctive,” “idiosyncratic,” “atypical,” “extraordinary,” “anomalous,” or “peculiar.”

(15) BEST. “Best” isn’t the only way to provide a superlative. Are you looking for the top-quality pair of socks, or the pair of socks that are perfect for you? Both of these pairs of socks could be the “best.”

Time codes:
0:00 What would you say instead of "nice"?
0:37 #1 Angry
1:45 #2 Other
2:09 #3 Answer
2:28 #4 Literally
3:02 About Skillshare
4:39 #5 More
6:24 #6 Nice
7:39 #7 Describe
8:31 #8 Use
8:44 #9 Hard
9:17 #10 Many
10:14 #11 Able
10:29 #12 Bad
11:00 #13 Happy
11:34 #14 Unique
12:17 #15 Best

⭐ INSTAGRAM - linguamarina



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#English #OverusedWords #EnglishVocabulary
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Which words do you overuse? 🤔

Time codes:
0:00 What would you say instead of "nice"?
0:37 #1 Angry
1:45 #2 Other
2:09 #3 Answer
2:28 #4 Literally
3:02 About Skillshare
4:39 #5 More
6:24 #6 Nice
7:39 #7 Describe
8:31 #8 Use
8:44 #9 Hard
9:17 #10 Many
10:14 #11 Able
10:29 #12 Bad
11:00 #13 Happy
11:34 #14 Unique
12:17 #15 Best


Angry-furious, offended, bitter, irritated, cross
Other - alternative, further,
Answer-solution, explanation
More - incremental, additional, greater
Nice - cordial, attractive, charming, delightful, lovely, polite, kind, gracious
Describe - portray, characterize, report
Use - adopt, employ, utilize
Hard - challenging, demanding, difficult
Many - handful, numerous, thousands, multitude
Able - manage, handle
Bad - subpar, lousy
Happy - delightful, pleased, cheerful, thrilled, ecstatic
Unique - distinctive, exceptional, extraordinary
Best - top - quality, perfect
// O man ! You can't be pleased and I dare you not to have a screenshot😅

See ya tomorrow !! On silicon valley girl 😊


She always bring these kind of video on her channel and its truly help to learner


Marina, I have a dream to study in America. And it's obviously you who is a great teacher to all of non-native speakers. To tell truely, we all are highly grateful to you as your learners.❤️❤️❤️


many -> thousands, handful
angry -> irritated, cross, furious
more -> incremental
nice -> charming, polite (personality), attractice (appearance)
hard -> challenging, demanding
other -> alternative
use -> adopt, utilise
happy -> thrilled, ecstatic, delightful, cheerful, pleased
best -> top-quality


Mam, you are the one who has taught me "what life is, around the globe". Because of your help I was able to get an American accent though English was my 5th language. I was also able to clear IELTS. All of my credit goes to you 🙂


The backbenchers also become attentive when she starts to teach
....she makes English so easy 😍


I'm lucky to hv a teacher like u. Thank u Marina mam for teaching us a lots of new things
Love form 🇮🇳INDIA! 🙂


Hi sister... Love from india.. Ur english is always so easy to understand and i have used ur trick many time.. Love from INDIA.. ❤


Marina, you are a delightful teacher for English learner students. For the first time, my English vocabulary was so subpar. But after watching your videos my English vocabulary will improve with imaginary. Because you give us witty compliments. That's gracious. I am from Bangladesh. Our English accents were British but when was I beginning your videos I earn some incremental American phrases. I should factually grateful to you.
- Bangladesh


Hello linguamarina, your lesson is pretty distinctive and I'll use these alternative words to increment my vocabulary. I hope further people can watch your videos to learn additional vocabulary and lessons.


Always learn something new on this channel 😊


Thank you so much sis! I really improved my English very much! Lots of love from India!

Anyone else here from India?


One of my daily favorite routines is watching Linguamarina's videos. Thank you so much, my best teacher. Wishing you all the best. Sending love from Canada.🇨🇦❤


Marina you're really gracious for giving us alternative meanings for every words that you've given and I'll definitely adopt them in my daily life ☺️


I'm just recapitulating what I've listened throughout this video:)

1.Angry - Irritated, bitter
2.Many - Numerous, handful
3.Nice - Charming, polite, pleasing
4. Bad- Lousy
5.Happy - ecstatic, delightful
6.More - Greater,
7. Hard- Challenging, demanding
8.Unique - Exceptional, extraordinary


Hi Maria, following you from Jordan ..
The most liked thing about you is that you are not teaching us but talking to us in an attractive way that enhances us to keep watching


I'm the one who not really good in speak english but i'm glad to found this channel it's really helps for me .


You’re very gracious person, Marina. Thank you for your efforts❤️


Marina you are cordial and perfect teacher for teaching us english 😀💙
