Deciphering the Linear Elamite - A highway to understand the Proto-Elamite writing

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An important result of this deciphering of the Linear Elamite is that it is also an important step in a possible deciphering of the Proto-Elamite or, better, the names recorded in the Proto-Elamite tablets
The key scientific article about the deciphering will be published in 2021, after all of the necessary proofreading and peer reviewing processes have been concluded.
The Linear Elamite writing system was recording Elamite language, a non-Indo-European language that has been completely isolated over the course of history and requires much more extensive research. It is true that we were already able to partially understand it thanks to cuneiform scripts, which were used in Mesopotamia. Here, however, we are very far away, in southern Iran, in a time period around 2300 - 1900 BCE, therefore we can analyse the story from a point of view that greatly differs from that of their contemporary Mesopotamian plain-dweller neighbours.
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in kerala an eathinic group called ezavas believes that they migrated from a place calld ezam or elem... and elemite laungage and dravidiyan laungage have some same words


This is great news if Desset is correct!


So, ancient Elamite is the first phonetic writing system in the world... 😲 Wow! 🤯 🤯 This is beyond amazing! The question is why did it become extinct and didn't spread all over the world?


dude somehow looks French and Iranian at the same time


Is the lecture Mr Desset speaks of available somewhere ? Even if one cannot understand all of the content, it must be very interesting above all for the students !
If there are similarities between the calculation systems of Mesopotamia and Elam, it will be interesting to compare cosmogonies...


Smart man. Please decipher Jeroft civilization tablets too.


Where can I find a written sample text with transliteration please? If it even exists.


There are no language isolates, only a lack of understanding how they are connected. You call Elamite a lingual isolate, but the very first word which you have translated in this segment (Zana, i.e. the plural of Zan) literally has the same in pronunciation and meaning in Farsi. That is an example of a shared word conserved across languages and a span of 3-4000 years.


🦁☀️Am from Ellam city next to zagros mountain,
We are kurdish from South and kurdish from north are median
We have deferent accent.
Mesopotamia is kurdish and Assyrian region ☀️
all this new country been made 100 years ago so kurdish been share in 4 countries!!!


Elamite if deciphered will connect to the Proto Dravidian or old Tamil. Sumerian is a Dravidian language too as is Indus valley civilization script.
