Rewriting History : The decipherment of Linear A and a history of Egypto-Cretan relations

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An interview with author Mark Cook to discuss his 2022 published book on the decipherment of Linear A. Copyright © 2023 Mark Cook

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I would not find it too surprising that the language might be Egyptian. Prior to the Late Bronze Age Collapse Egyptian was probably the lingua franca in Mediterranean tragedy and subsequently replaced with Greek.


Excellent. As this Syllabic shorthand of Hieroglyphs reached Crete from Ab Erets (PruNefer), so the Alphabetic shorthand of Hieroglyphs reached the Acheans through the Phoenicians.


I hate to be a party pooper but this sounds more like a hypothesis than a decipherment. It’s terrific evidence that Linear A may be derived from the Egyptian scripts, but saying that the Minoans and their language were Egyptian seems unsubstantiated by the evidence. It’s undeniable that the Minoans and Egyptians interacted with one another quite a bit, but to declare that they were synonymous seems unfounded with such little evidence.


interesting subject, but anyone who is watching a talk like this is interested. so there is no need for a detailed summation. get to the good stuff.


The records show that the language/ script used for the correspondence between the various rulers within the eras in discussion, was a type of cuneiform. The possibility of the development of shorthand form of this for administrative or commercial purposes may be difficult. A blend of Egyptian pictographs, plus an indigenous script for commercial purposes? Note that the script on the Phaistos Disk bears little relationship. It might be interesting to speculate what the main rural produce might have been, such as olives, wheat, onions, greens, fish such as tuna. Please advise the publisher of your book?
