Simple Double-Buffering OpenGL Context Creation with Win32 (C/C++ on Windows)
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Create an OpenGL rendering context for the device context of a Win32 window that supports double-buffering using SwapBuffers, GetDC, ChoosePixelFormat, DescribePixelFormat, SetPixelFormat, wglCreateContext, wglMakeCurrent2, SetWindowLongPtr, SetLastError, wglDeleteContext, ReleaseDC, GetWindowLongPtr.
0:00 Why Create a Simple OpenGL Context in 2023
1:32 Changes to the WinMain Function
3:40 Double-Buffering and SwapBuffers Function in Detail
6:57 Changes to the WndProc (Window Procedure)
8:37 Handling the WM_CREATE Message
13:01 Handling the WM_DESTROY Message
14:38 Creating an OpenGL Context using wglCreateContext
16:04 Selecting a Frame Buffer for the Device Context Using SetPixelFormat
20:30 Running the OpenGL Application Showing an Empty Window from the Front and Back Buffers
21:13 Outlook on Proper OpenGL Context Creation
0:00 Why Create a Simple OpenGL Context in 2023
1:32 Changes to the WinMain Function
3:40 Double-Buffering and SwapBuffers Function in Detail
6:57 Changes to the WndProc (Window Procedure)
8:37 Handling the WM_CREATE Message
13:01 Handling the WM_DESTROY Message
14:38 Creating an OpenGL Context using wglCreateContext
16:04 Selecting a Frame Buffer for the Device Context Using SetPixelFormat
20:30 Running the OpenGL Application Showing an Empty Window from the Front and Back Buffers
21:13 Outlook on Proper OpenGL Context Creation
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