SJWs Are Psychopaths. Science Proves It.

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A new study published by the American Psychological Association has found that frequently virtue signalling is a strong predictor for an individual who possesses the Dark Triad of personality traits. So why does the behaviour the study describes sound so similar to SJWs?!

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daisy cousens,dark triad,sjw,sjws,social justice,social justice warrior,ama,american psychological association,psycopath,psychopaths,psychopathy,social justice warriors,sjws are psychopaths,science proves it
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Just because they're textbook psychopaths doesn't mean they aren't also extremely stupid...


every one of them are the product of the 'self esteem' movement


Loved that video. I like when I comment somewhere that something has been ruined by woke sjw crap and get accused of virtue signaling. (No, I don’t, it’s annoying and ridiculous). I don’t stand up to that crap because I want a damn reward, I do it cause it’s right and I don’t want everyone else that suffers over it feeling alone. Sorry, just grousing.


Love the Lowder with Crowder mug in the background 😆


Machiavelli gets such a bad reputation for penning one of if not the most brilliant odes to sarcasm. Research his history before you read and you'll understand why.


Idk daisy, more and more people I hear being surrounded and pulled from their cars so it's safe to assume that you need a pretty hefty weapon if you plan to even walk by one of these people


Omg one person comes to mind who fits this perfectly, Amber Heard. Trials not working out so well...


They hate you because you're intelligent, poised, articulate and beautiful. Everything they're not.


I mean really, when was the last time you saw someone who was truly compassionate and caring in advocating for the welfare of others yelling at people, labeling their behavior as evil, and calling them names? Probably never.


Even more recognisable to genuine domestic abuse survivors


They probably like being called psychopaths, you know, because it's edgy and cool.


You just described the entire left in the US.


anyone who just realized that sjw's extremest are disturbed wasn't paying attention or was in denial


Daisy, I agree with the psychopath/sociopath categorization but I think just about everybody has got virtue signaling WRONG!. This action is not about showing how good you are according to some form of moral/ethical standard. If you watch how often the left changes its 'moral' standard in a short period of time it should be apparent that this has nothing to do with proper behaviour.

Virtue signaling has more to do with group membership than anything else. It is just like sheep or cows who either go baa or moo to signal to others around them that all is well because the flock or herd members are together. The baas or moos also signal to the members how dispersed (how much physical territory) the flock or herd members are currently spread over. Now as long as a member goes baa or moo all things are fine; but if somewhere in their midst someone goes woof or 'that'll do pig' then there is a problem and the herd or flock will react to that change (possibly violently).

Same with SJWs and their ilk, they have to keep parroting the catch phrase(s) of the day. If they don't; well they are non-members and will be thrown under the bus. This is a control mechanism to enforce social cohesion. Some of this was presented in Animal Farm where the animal catch phrases kept changing over time as political goals changed.


I work in the kawaii/creative/indie niche. A lot of them got on board with this (and I'm here listening to Daisy and voting for Trump... so kinda lonely.) I'll be the first to admit that a LOT of them struggle with anxiety (emotional instability) and depression. Some with a lot of superficial charm and self-importance went full Machiavellian when George Floyd died. Posts full of buzzwords.


For a long time I was a proto-SJW. Back before they really took off. It was a result of mental and emotional abuse by my mother and female friends growing up that made me seek a cause to make up for my being Male. I was miserable, depressed, anxious, and suicidal because all I ever saw was "wrongs" in society. I let my emotional side have control, and was on social media every day. Now I'm happier, healthier, and am happily married. The left has done nothing but made me suicidal and abused by my peers, but the right had taught me self reliance, emotional strength, and the ability to truly introspect and admit my flaws and accept then and myself. All things the left never encouraged me to learn.
Thank you Daisy for being you and doing what you do. Me and my husband will be buying some merch soon. I was delighted to hear you had some ;]


That "pout for clout" line is a good one- definitely have to add *that* particular arrow to my "Anti-SJW" quiver!!!😁


You know it's bad when Norman Bates looks good by comparison with most SJWs nowadays.


You said SJWs seek power without the usual condemnation that follows. While I agree on this characterisation, I think it goes a little deeper. I believe they crave power but lack the tools to achieve any form of meaningful power. In a similar vein to how they crave connection but lack the communication tools to achieve meaningful connection. They all start their lives with poor communication skills and it eventually materialises later in life as a psychopathy that craves power over others. A form of overcompensatation.

Becoming an SJW is an easy, low-hanging-fruit mechanism by which these personalities achieve these goals. Albeit only on a short-term basis. This is partly why they shift the goal posts so often. You can never please an SJW because deep down they're all too afraid to admit to themselves that what they actually want is power over their follow human, to fulfill an emptiness they're too meek to confront.


I have absolutely no doubt that they are all psychopaths.
