The Woke Left Possess These NARCISSISTIC Traits – Richard Grannon

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What is the Smiling No Test? Narcissism expert Richard Grannon has devised the perfect test for catching nice-acting, covert or woke narcissists, and spotting their secret abuse.
From Meghan Markle to Greta Thunberg, some humans have a habit of acting nice and virtue signalling, while hiding their narcissism and death cult. Psychologist Richard Grannon is a narcissism expert who today focuses on the nice-acting narcissist, and the woke activist obsessed with CRT or DEI (affirmative action) and other virtue signalling.

As seen on Triggernometry (Konstantin Kisin and Francis Foster), Richard is one of the top youtube psychologists. You probably have an actual narcissist in your group of friends, or even your family - it’s way more common than what people think. I had the pleasure of interviewing psychologist Richard Grannon about his take on narcissism and the dark triad traits.

#narcissism #woke #narcissists
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The fear that I might be a closet narcissist (without knowing it) is the reason that I treat every conversation as an exercise in _really_ listening to the other person. Not just waiting for my time to talk, but really _listening_ . Also, I don't own one of those mobile phones - horrible things.


IQ gate! 😂 The "I have no friends" thing is massive among female Instagrams and YouTubers. One person I'd been following for quite a while, her post on that topic really made me start assessing all the things I'd begun to find irritating about her posts. It started me thinking about a few female friends I have had to edge away from over the years, each one extremely self-involved and narcissistic. Friendships that became draining and ran well past their sell by dates. I gradually realised that I was just in this woman's life to serve as her mirror, to agree that she was perfect when someone pointed out her flaws, to absolve her of any guilt should anyone have the audacity to suggest she was wrong about something. If I ever tried talking about my own problems for once, I began to notice how quickly I got closed down - the irritation in her voice that I should take the conversation away from her talking about herself. So, if through some genuine reason you find yourself friendless (you moved to a new country/area, or had to make some other big life change) you do know what to do... get out there, join in and start to develop a new network of people, some of whom will become friends in time. If no amount of mixing brings new friends, maybe stop talking about yourself ALL THE TIME.


What really bothers me is these woke clueless types is the narcissistic trait of never ever takes responsibility or accountability for their actions, and never ever answering a direct question, and deflecting and just trying to control the conversation with their “ woke agenda” so frustrating. I live with a narcissistic.


The person asking was Elise Stefanik, R-NY congresswoman.The university presidents of UPenn, MIT and Harvard were called to testify before the House of Representatives. It appears all of them have now resigned or been forced out.


Thank you for this.
We have an epidemic of pro-social narcissists.


Elise Stefanik, congressman from New York. She is a beast.


6:23 "I'm saving these men from depression and wanting to leave this planet."

Well, I think it's laudable that men who've been through so much, still have the ambition to become astronauts. 😊


Huge Falling in love with the ILLUSION of one's self! That's my ex! Wow! I really see it now! The times after being physical and mentally abusive he would say things like: I'm such a nice person! It would blow my mind! Never ever once took responsibility for hurting me/us... in fact, to our faces, would tell us that we all had a problem because he would never do that to us and we were all lying! Insane!


The woman who was ran over by the horse was trying to pin the suffragette flag on the horse when it went by, but she got ran over.


If it "starts in poetry" then we are decades deep into the woods now. You should hear what people say in spoken word poetry and other events.


12:50 ouf, I had to get nearly half a century old to understand (in this very moment) that one of my favorite childhood fairy tales, Snow White, already depicts a narcissist.
"Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?" “Thou, O Queen, art the fairest in the land, ” says the mirror. 
When one day the mirror told the queen, “Snow White, O Queen, is the fairest of them all.”, fate of Snow White was sealed.
Obviously, the mirror, that symbolizes 'truth' or 'reality' in the tale, has inflicted a narcissistic injury to the queen... and - as narcissists do - she cannot stand truth and sets off for revenge against unfortunate Snow White.

Fun fact, the Children's book of Snow White was gifted to me by my 'loving' mother, who's a narcissist, a psychopath in fact.


Nerds hate themselves, now they are allowed to blame and sue everybody because of this


@3:20 Intifada you say "intfertada" ? I tend to pronounce it "interfada", though it maybe inteefada. tomarto, tomayto?


I think Grannon needs to do some more reading about morality and ethics if he thinks that moral absolutism is preferable to moral relativism. Neither is immune to social mobbing. Grannon should take a class (many classes) in philosophy rather than reading philosophers without any grounding. Few things are more irritating than people talking about things they don't have a grasp of.
