2024 Election Map If Polls Underestimate Trump AGAIN! (Trump Wins BIG)

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2024 Election Map If Polls Underestimate Trump AGAIN! Trump Wins BIG
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We need democracy, not a dictatorship!


This is a joke Trump is down by 5 in Oregon.


If you listen to the polls in Pennsylvania, then you're listening to the wind. The people polling Pennsylvania are polling strictly in Allegheny (Pittsburgh) county, Philadelphia County (Philadelphia), Delaware county (Media) and Centre County (Harrisburg). These supposed experts are not polling in Chester County (which although has a (D) for Congress, she's absolutely worthless and the people know it), nor are they polling in Berks County, or Northern Bucks'. Although Allentown has a good mix of (D)and (R) the people in the area (of all ethnic backgrounds and religions - as Pennsylvania is) are TIRED of the gang violence, the illegal immigrants who have crossed the border in America and the drugs. So, I would not be surprised if Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton (ABE) leans to President Trump. As for the rest of the state from Erie to Lancaster from north of Scranton and Wilkes Barre (which by the way Biden has screwed over more than any other part of the state) to Shrewsbury, are going for President Trump.

What we have to be on guard for AND, it does occur more often than anyone thinks in Pennsylvania, is the illegal voting that take place in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. In Philly alone, the city government, although run by a good mayor for the first time since Nutter, has elements within city hall that will ballot harvest AND, fill out ballots for dead people. This is a fact, and I am an independent voter.

Accounting for the illegalities associated with Philadelphia and Pittsburgh (although to less of an extent), President Trump is going to have to count on at least 1 % to 2 % Democrat voter fraud in the election happening in the state of Pennsylvania.

Although I like Shapiro and would have voted for him in a minute over Harris, I don't think Governor Shapiro is going to do much to stop this fraud from taking place. So, when tabulating Pennsylvania, statistically you have to realistically account for the voter fraud within Philadelphia and Pittsburgh (1 to 2 % minimum) which means President Trump must exceed that to counter the fraud in order to win. This is a very, very sad fact and one that Ben Franklin would be disgusted with but, it is the truth.

So, Pennsylvania has to come out in the rest of the state stronger than in 2020 otherwise Harris will take it. And, when that happens God help our children and all those people who have 401K and IRA accounts in Pennsylvania, (which has one of the oldest populations in the country). For Harris, is going to demand changes in the Federal tax code to tax unearned gains (gains which are made in your retirement accounts, but you have not taken out yet.) Add that to extending the SSN and Medicare benefits to illegal immigrants who crossed into the United States, and you have the final nail in the coffin of the only safety net many people have in the US. She will have to tax unearned gains to pay for the additional drain she is planning for the illegal immigrants getting SSN and Medicare benefits. My fear is for my sons and daughters for, Pennsylvania always sends troops into war first. She will be too weak against the Chinese and let's face it, Iranians have no respect for women. So, I fear war will envelope my kids and this is something that can't happen.

Sorry for the long explanation at the end but, I just wanted to give you some insight as to what needs to happen for President Trump to take Pennsylvania in 2024 and what some of the fears and concerns are for the people of Pennsylvania. God Bless You All and here's hoping you put your family, country and God in your mind when you vote. Peace.


Yes, please RED everywhere in the US 🙏


Trump won the debate 😅😅😅 GOD SAVE THE DOGS
